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Friday, February 21, 2025

Mechanic on bail for fraud


1610 days ago
25-year-old mechanic/electrician, Ackim Alexander, was granted $50,000 bail on charges of fraudulent conversion. (Image: TTPS)

25-year-old mechanic/electrician, Ackim Alexander, was granted $50,000 bail on charges of fraudulent conversion. (Image: TTPS)

A 25-year-old me­chan­ic/elec­tri­cian from South Oropouche will once again face the courts in Jan­u­ary 2021, on charges of fraud­u­lent con­ver­sion.

Of­fi­cial po­lice re­ports state that ACKIM ALEXAN­DER—of Ralph Nar­ine Trace, South Oropouche—was grant­ed $50,000 bail when he ap­peared vir­tu­al­ly be­fore a Siparia Mag­is­trate, charged with fraud­u­lent con­ver­sion of $25,000.

The mat­ter was heard be­fore Mag­is­trate Aden Stroude on Wednes­day 23rd Sep­tem­ber 2020, where ALEXAN­DER plead­ed not guilty.

The mat­ter has been post­poned to Tues­day 12th Jan­u­ary, 2021.

Ac­cord­ing to a TTPS re­lease on the mat­ter, it is al­leged that some­time in No­vem­ber 2019, at San Fer­nan­do, the vic­tim gave his blue and sil­ver Yama­ha R1 mo­tor­cy­cle—val­ued at $25,000—to a man, for him to sell and re­mit the mon­ey to him.

On Sun­day 24th May 2020, the own­er was in­formed that the mo­tor­cy­cle was sold in South Oropouche by the same man. How­ev­er, he failed to re­mit the pro­ceeds of the sale in the sum of $25,000 to him and all at­tempts to have the man re­mit the mon­ey proved fu­tile.

A re­port sub­se­quent­ly was made to the po­lice, and the man was ar­rest­ed by Sgt (Ag.) Breedy of Fyz­abad Po­lice Sta­tion on Mon­day 21st Sep­tem­ber 2020.

The sus­pect was then hand­ed over to the Fraud Squad where PC Ker­na­han sub­se­quent­ly charged ALEXAN­DER for the of­fence of fraud­u­lent con­ver­sion.

The case will be heard again in the courts on Jan­u­ary 12th, 2021.


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