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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Media photographer dies after hit-and-run: Anthony Harris died a hero says daughter


962 days ago

An­tho­ny Har­ris died a hero.

The 60-year-old was cy­cling around the Queen’s Park Sa­van­nah, in Port-of-Spain, on Sat­ur­day when the dri­ver of a white Nis­san B-13 ploughed in­to him and fled the scene.

Har­ris was flung in­to the air by the im­pact and while he was con­scious at the scene, he died on Sun­day morn­ing at the hos­pi­tal.

The dri­ver is still be­ing sought by po­lice.

In an in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia, Har­ris’ el­der daugh­ter, Charisse said be­fore he died, he called out to his cy­cling com­pan­ions, warn­ing them that the ve­hi­cle was too close.

“He saw the car com­ing, so the oth­er peo­ple he was rid­ing with, he told them to go to the side and when he was pro­ceed­ing to go to the side him­self, the car ploughed straight in­to him, he flew up in­to the air and went back down,” Charisse said.

On Sun­day, she said her fa­ther paid the ul­ti­mate price for that warn­ing.

“He def­i­nite­ly did…he paid with his life,” she said.

De­scrib­ing her fa­ther as her biggest hero, Charisse ap­pealed to the dri­ver to come for­ward so her fam­i­ly can have some sense of jus­tice for her fa­ther’s death.

“I just want the per­son that hit my fa­ther to turn him­self in, so that we could get clo­sure.”

Har­ris was a free­lance pho­tog­ra­ph­er with Guardian Me­dia for many years and was a me­chan­ic by trade.

Charisse said he was al­so the best fa­ther.

“He was the most lov­ing car­ing per­son ever, with the biggest heart…, He was al­ways a phone call away, he would do any­thing for me at any giv­en time, I could call my fa­ther at two o’clock in the morn­ing and he would come, even if he was sleep­ing,” she said.

She said her fam­i­ly and Har­ris’ friends and col­leagues were in shock over his death.

For­mer Guardian Me­dia Sports ed­i­tor Valenti­no Singh said he was not sur­prised to learn that Har­ris had sought to save his friends be­fore be­ing struck by the car.

“He placed val­ue on a lot of things and friend­ship was one of them, if he and a group of peo­ple were in dan­ger, as his daugh­ter is say­ing and he moved to en­sure they were safe and he suf­fered as a re­sult, that doesn’t sur­prise me a bit,” Singh said.

“His stan­dards were his stan­dards, and if you look at it, he died stand­ing up for things that he be­lieved in,” he added.

Singh re­called his in­ter­ac­tions with Har­ris when he be­came a Sports pho­tog­ra­ph­er. He de­scribed Har­ris as the ul­ti­mate pro­fes­sion­al.

“I re­mem­ber hav­ing him come to my of­fice and him out­lin­ing to me what he want­ed to do for us and how much it would cost. I had to go back to my su­pe­ri­ors to get it ap­proved be­cause it was more than the base at that time, but he was not will­ing to budge,” Singh said.

He said Har­ris main­tained the high­est pro­fes­sion­al stan­dards in his work and would nev­er shirk his du­ties.

Singh is now re­tired but his in­ter­ac­tions with Har­ris con­tin­ued over the years. He said he saw Har­ris dai­ly dur­ing his morn­ing walks.

“He would al­ways be with a group of cy­clists very ear­ly in the morn­ing, they would be rid­ing past while I was walk­ing and An­tho­ny would al­ways hail out to me “Valenti­no Singh!” in this big way, in a sense it meant that we nev­er lost touch with each oth­er be­cause I saw him every morn­ing around the Sa­van­nah,” Singh said.

Kei­th Clement, who is the cur­rent Sports Ed­i­tor, echoed Singh’s sen­ti­ments.

He said Har­ris was very straight­for­ward and ded­i­cat­ed to pho­tog­ra­phy.

“He was a very se­ri­ous guy when it came to work, he would not ac­cept any­thing less than his price for a job but on a per­son­al lev­el, he was a great per­son to work with, he would sit down and crack jokes with us,” Clement said.

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