Education Minister Anthony Garcia says the attendance of teachers at both primary and secondary schools, is above 50 percent.
The Minister gave an update at a news conference Friday morning.
"We are very heartened by the response of teachers today," he said.
He added: "In the majority of our schools we have had an acceptable area of attendance that tells us that the majority of teachers decided to accept their responsibilities to their students."
He said that of the seven education districts, the attendance at primary school was 50 percent.
The figure was 53.5 percent across secondary schools.
He said that the average day sees a 70 percent turnout.
"Learning and teaching went about in the large majority of our schools today," Minister Garcia said.
He added that there was a 100 percent turn-out of staff at the ECCE level.
The minister added that the school-feeding programme, security and transport for schools all went well.
"We are moving in the right direction in spite of some of the challenges that face us," he said.
Minister Garcia said that there was also a near 100 percent attendance level at the Ministry of Education today.