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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Ministry: Plans for Youth Development Centre in Sangre Grande


1084 days ago

The Min­istry of Youth De­vel­op­ment and Na­tion­al Ser­vice is ac­tive­ly pur­su­ing the es­tab­lish­ment of a Non-Res­i­den­tial Youth De­vel­op­ment Cen­tre (YDC) in San­gre Grande, which will open up op­por­tu­ni­ties for train­ing in a va­ri­ety of ar­eas, in­clud­ing de­vel­op­ing en­tre­pre­neurs.

A re­lease from the Min­istry re­ports that Youth De­vel­op­ment and Na­tion­al Ser­vice Min­is­ter Fos­ter Cum­mings MP toured a pos­si­ble site for a Cen­tre at Tu­rure Road, Guaico, San­gre Grande.

“The es­tab­lish­ment of a Non-Res­i­den­tial YDC in San­gre Grande will bring to the res­i­dents of Guaico and Tu­rure a suite of train­ing pro­grammes, sport­ing fa­cil­i­ties, as well as agri­cul­tur­al and en­tre­pre­neur­ship op­por­tu­ni­ties,” ex­plained the Min­istry’s re­lease.  

Ac­cord­ing to the Min­istry, train­ing will be of­fered in ar­eas such as Agri­cul­ture, Tiling, Car­pen­try, and Air Con­di­tion­ing.

Min­is­ter Cum­mings was joined on the site tour by Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment for To­co / San­gre Grande, Roger Mon­roe MP, along with a team from the Min­istry of Youth De­vel­op­ment and Na­tion­al Ser­vice (MYDNS)—in­clud­ing Sean Ram­rat­tan, Di­rec­tor of Youth Af­fairs; Gail Sook­nar­ine, Ad­vi­sor to the Min­is­ter; and An­tho­ny Gar­cia, Tech­ni­cal Ad­vi­sor to the Min­is­ter.

The Min­istry notes that Mr. Gar­cia, who chaired the Ad­vi­so­ry Com­mit­tee for the Youth De­vel­op­ment Ap­pren­tice­ship Cen­tres (YDACs) and Non-Res­i­den­tial Youth De­vel­op­ment Cen­tres (YD­Cs), re­cent­ly pre­sent­ed a re­port on the re­struc­tur­ing of the YDACs and YD­Cs.

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