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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

More complaints about Fire Service following Penal blaze


679 days ago
Anil Sundar stands in the charred ruins of his home at Seebalack Trace, Penal, which was destroyed by fire yesterday.

Anil Sundar stands in the charred ruins of his home at Seebalack Trace, Penal, which was destroyed by fire yesterday.


Sascha Wil­son

Com­plaints about the state of the Fire Ser­vice were re­vived yes­ter­day fol­low­ing a fire in Pe­nal which left four peo­ple, in­clud­ing a 12-year-old girl, home­less.

The fire start­ed around 2.45 am while Anil Sun­dar, 45, and his fam­i­ly were asleep in their home at See­bal­ack Trace, Rochard Road.

Sun­dar re­called: “We heard crack­ling sounds like sounds of bro­ken glass and I alert­ed my wife. When we ex­it­ed the room the house was com­plete­ly cov­ered in smoke. We woke my dad, and by the time we ex­it­ed, the house was com­plete­ly en­gulfed in fire.”

He be­lieves the blaze start­ed in a back room which has been un­oc­cu­pied since the death of his moth­er two years ago.

The fam­i­ly lost every­thing apart from the clothes on their backs and Sun­dar, who said he was dis­sat­is­fied with the re­sponse of the Fire Ser­vice, be­lieves his home would not have been de­stroyed if they were bet­ter equipped.

“Yes, they re­spond­ed but poor­ly be­cause in less than ten min­utes they had no wa­ter. Then we had to wait for the oth­er fire truck which came long af­ter. They had to go around look­ing for a hy­drant. They had no lad­ders, they had no head­lights, they had noth­ing. The fire of­fi­cers were will­ing but they were re­al­ly strapped with re­sources. Thank God no­body was trapped,” he said.

“We have a so-called state-of-the-art Fire Ser­vice in Pe­nal yet still there was no ten­der to re­spond to the fire. Some­thing needs to be done be­cause I sure there will be in the fu­ture oth­er peo­ple who will suf­fer.”

Sun­dar es­ti­mat­ed his loss­es to be rough­ly $1.5 mil­lion. His home was in­sured.

Next-door neigh­bour Fer­ose Ab­dool said he and his son tried to douse the blaze and pre­vent the flames from spread­ing to his prop­er­ty.

“It was ear­ly hours in the morn­ing when we were wok­en up by a lot of noise, a lot of cry­ing and shout­ing and scream­ing, plus the ex­plo­sive noise like crack­ing noise and when we woke up we dis­cov­ered my neigh­bour’s house on fire,” he said.

Ab­dool said the re­sponse of the Fire Ser­vice was “not on­ly un­ac­cept­able, it is dis­gust­ing.”

As­sis­tant Chief Fire Of­fi­cer Ansar Ali said fire ap­pli­ances from Pe­nal, Siparia and San­ta Flo­ra re­spond­ed and there was a sup­ply of wa­ter at all times. He said the Fire Ser­vice re­ceived the call at 3.14 am and a ten­der from Pe­nal was dis­patched.

“They ar­rived at 3.35, they made a re­quest for pumps two (re­quest for a back­up wa­ter sup­ply) at 3.20 am, that’s be­fore they left.”

Ali said Siparia ar­rived at the scene at 3.50 am and Pe­nal left at that time to re­plen­ish the tank.

“Whilst they out San­ta Flo­ra came,” he said.

Com­plaints about the state of the Fire Ser­vice have in­creased since the deaths on April 2 of a moth­er and daugh­ter in a house fire in Siparia.

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