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Friday, February 28, 2025

No charges yet for bank workers’ murder


Radhica De Silva
203 days ago
Giselle Peters, a Scotiabank employee, was killed when she went to check on her house under construction in Reform, Gasparillo, on July 27.

Giselle Peters, a Scotiabank employee, was killed when she went to check on her house under construction in Reform, Gasparillo, on July 27.

Twelve days af­ter Sco­tia­bank em­ploy­ee Giselle Crys­tal Pe­ters was am­bushed, beat­en, and stabbed to death in Gas­par­il­lo, the po­lice are prepar­ing to charge two sus­pects who have been in cus­tody since Mon­day night.

A se­nior homi­cide of­fi­cer said yes­ter­day that a file must be sub­mit­ted to the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions be­fore any charges are of­fi­cial­ly laid.

The two sus­pects were ap­pre­hend­ed dur­ing a co­or­di­nat­ed ex­er­cise in­volv­ing of­fi­cers from the South­ern Di­vi­sion Homi­cide and Va­len­cia Po­lice Sta­tion. Both sus­pects in their 30s, were ar­rest­ed at two sep­a­rate lo­ca­tions in Va­len­cia on Mon­day night.

Pe­ters, 38, was mur­dered on Ju­ly 27 by men in­side the house she and her hus­band were con­struct­ing.

Po­lice said she had gone to Phase 2 of the Re­form Res­i­den­tial De­vel­op­ment in Gas­par­il­lo to check the progress of the con­struc­tion on her two-storey home when she was at­tacked and robbed.

An au­top­sy done at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre in St James con­clud­ed that Pe­ters was stabbed mul­ti­ple times dur­ing the at­tack by ban­dits who had stormed her prop­er­ty. 

Pe­ters’ screams alert­ed neigh­bours around 11.35 am, who then wit­nessed the sus­pects flee­ing the house. As they hur­ried in­to a ma­roon-coloured ve­hi­cle, one of the sus­pects was heard shout­ing, “Dri­ve, Dri­ve, Dri­ve.”

Pe­ters was found strug­gling on the floor with a knife em­bed­ded in her neck. She suc­cumbed to her in­juries be­fore the am­bu­lance and po­lice could ar­rive at the scene.

Po­lice said the as­sailants al­so made off with her hand­bag.

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