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Sunday, March 2, 2025

NTA will not withdraw from Council for Responsible Political Behaviour


29 days ago
National Transformation Alliance political leader Gary Griffith

National Transformation Alliance political leader Gary Griffith

The Na­tion­al Trans­for­ma­tion Al­liance (NTA) says it has not with­drawn from the Coun­cil for Re­spon­si­ble Po­lit­i­cal Be­hav­iour, head­ed by Dr Bish­nu Ra­goonath.

It comes af­ter the UNC an­nounced on Fri­day morn­ing that it was with­draw­ing from the Coun­cil. The NTA says it is dis­ap­point­ed in the UNC's de­ci­sion.

In a state­ment, the NTA said they took the de­ci­sion "be­cause we

be­lieve re­spon­si­ble po­lit­i­cal be­hav­iour should be a cor­ner­stone of every po­lit­i­cal par­ty."

It went fur­ther in say­ing, "We al­so firm­ly be­lieve that the Coun­cil, de­spite its lack of puni­tive au­thor­i­ty, serves as a vi­tal plat­form to es­tab­lish a base­line of deco­rum, re­spect, and ac­count­abil­i­ty in po­lit­i­cal dis­course."

The NTA says the with­draw­al of a ma­jor po­lit­i­cal par­ty from an

en­ti­ty ded­i­cat­ed to pro­mot­ing eth­i­cal and re­spect­ful con­duct in pol­i­tics rais­es sig­nif­i­cant con­cerns, es­pe­cial­ly since over the past few months, as they en­tered in­to a coali­tion of in­ter­ests with an­oth­er po­lit­i­cal en­ti­ty.

It added that it will con­tin­ue to en­gage with all po­lit­i­cal en­ti­ties, in­clud­ing the UNC and PNM, with re­spect and de­cen­cy.

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