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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Officer charged with Courts killings to appear in court tomorrow instead


Anna-Lisa Paul
451 days ago
The scene of an off duty police officer involved shooting at the Courts Maga Store, San Juan on 17 December.

The scene of an off duty police officer involved shooting at the Courts Maga Store, San Juan on 17 December.


The po­lice of­fi­cer charged with killing sib­lings Sime­on and Sini­aya Lessey at the Courts Mega­s­tore, San Juan on De­cem­ber 17 – did not ap­pear in court as sched­uled to­day.

In­stead, PC Sid­ney Roberts is ex­pect­ed to ap­pear be­fore a Mas­ter of the High Court to­mor­row.

Ju­di­cial of­fi­cers ad­vised that fol­low­ing the procla­ma­tion of the Ad­min­is­tra­tion of Jus­tice (In­dictable Pro­ceed­ings) Act 2011 (AJI­PA) – mat­ters such as these had been sched­uled, “Be­fore a Mas­ter for suf­fi­cien­cy hear­ings.”

Roberts, 34, who was last at­tached to the Jus­tice Pro­tec­tion Pro­gramme which is an arm of the Homi­cide Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tions, was charged with two counts of mur­der and one count of shoot­ing with in­tent to do griev­ous bod­i­ly harm.

The in­struc­tion to charge Roberts was is­sued by the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions, Roger Gas­pard on Christ­mas Day.

Roberts, who lives at Emon Road, Va­len­cia – was ar­rest­ed four days af­ter the in­ci­dent which left Sime­on, 33; and his sis­ter Sini­aya, 35, dead; while Sime­on’s wife Ker­rey-Ann Munroe and fam­i­ly friend Nathan Pierre, were left nurs­ing in­juries at hos­pi­tal.

Roberts was charged by ASP Daniel Her­nan­dez of the North East­ern Di­vi­sion.


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