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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Pastor on upsurge in murders:We must fight evil, decay pervading T&T


995 days ago
Members of the congregation at the National Day of Prayer at the Centre of Excellence, Macoya, on Sunday.

Members of the congregation at the National Day of Prayer at the Centre of Excellence, Macoya, on Sunday.


On the heels of 10 mur­ders over the week­end, Opened Apos­tle Dr Vic­tor Jo­gee has called on the na­tion to fight the evil and dark­ness that has been per­vad­ing the land and de­cay­ing the so­ci­ety.

Jo­gee made the clar­i­on call at a Na­tion­al Day of Prayer at the Cen­tre of Ex­cel­lence, Ma­coya, on Sun­day.

“Our peo­ple in Trinidad and To­ba­go are hurt­ing. They need heal­ing,” Jo­gee, of Liv­ing Word Chris­t­ian Cen­tre, told Guardian Me­dia dur­ing an in­ter­view.

Jo­gee said the hurt and pain stem from the up­surge of sense­less killing of our women and rise in in­dis­ci­pline and vi­o­lence in the na­tion’s schools.

“Our chil­dren are in trou­ble. Our schools are in trou­ble. Our par­ents are in trou­ble. Teach­ers are in trou­ble. Women are in trou­ble. Our na­tion is cry­ing out for help. Our na­tion is bleed­ing. There is a great cry for help in the coun­try,” he said.

In the midst of all the mur­ders, mad­ness and may­hem, Jo­gee said as a na­tion, “we must ral­ly to­geth­er to fight against this per­vad­ing scourge.”

Sun­day’s event was one of four na­tion­al prayer meet­ings to be held this year, Jo­gee said.

The prayer ses­sions will al­so roll in­to 2023 and 2024.

Jo­gee ap­pealed to oth­er re­li­gious or­gan­i­sa­tions to join forces with them to com­bat the coun­try’s scourge of vi­o­lence.

He said cit­i­zens have been ask­ing where the church­es were in all of this “evil and dark­ness.”

“I be­lieve the church­es must take a stand be­cause the church is the le­gal rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the king­dom of God in our land,” he said.

Three weeks ago, Jo­gee said God spoke to him, urg­ing him to call these na­tion­al prayer ses­sions to be­gin heal­ing for the coun­try.

To host such an event, Jo­gee said, nor­mal­ly takes a year but be­cause of the di­rec­tion the coun­try was head­ing, it was or­gan­ised in a mat­ter of days.

Asked about the spate of mur­ders over the week­ends, where 10 peo­ple lost their lives, Jo­gee said this sent a sig­nal that all was not well.

“When Cain killed Abel, the voice of in­no­cent blood cried out to God. So, we have voic­es cry­ing out to God and we have come to join those voic­es to­day as a church. All the peo­ple who have been killed...they are cry­ing out.”

Jo­gee said he will con­tin­ue to pray for the pro­tec­tion of Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley, Op­po­si­tion leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar and MPs.


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