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Sunday, March 2, 2025

PM: My agenda is to make the most reasonable decision in the public interest


Gail Alexander
291 days ago
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley

Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley yes­ter­day brushed off UNC MP Di­nesh Ram­bal­ly’s crit­i­cism of the Cab­i­net’s de­ci­sion to ex­tend Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Er­la Hare­wood-Christo­pher’s tenure. 

Ram­bal­ly, via a state­ment, aimed crit­i­cism di­rect­ly at the Prime Min­is­ter as Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Coun­cil head, call­ing on Row­ley to ac­count for the de­ci­sion.

PM Row­ley, who is in Ghana, was con­tact­ed by the Guardian on Ram­bal­ly’s state­ments.

Row­ley replied, “Ram­bal­ly’s agen­da is dif­fer­ent to mine. My agen­da is to make the most rea­son­able and stud­ied de­ci­sion avail­able to the Cab­i­net in the wider pub­lic in­ter­est.”

Ram­bal­ly claimed that by not ac­tive­ly seek­ing to change the CoP, “Row­ley is ac­tive­ly sup­port­ing the crim­i­nals.” He said the “reck­less” and “mis­guid­ed de­ci­sion of Row­ley” epit­o­mis­es the Prime Min­is­ter’s “dis­re­gard for the safe­ty and se­cu­ri­ty of cit­i­zens.”

Ram­bal­ly added, “I de­mand to know from Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley: what cri­te­ria was used to jus­ti­fy this de­ci­sion? Or was this yet an­oth­er ar­bi­trary ac­tion tak­en with­out any con­sid­er­a­tion for the well-be­ing of our na­tion?

“By ex­tend­ing the ser­vice of Com­mis­sion­er Hare­wood, Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley has ef­fec­tive­ly sig­nalled his ac­cep­tance of the sta­tus quo—a sta­tus quo where crime con­tin­ues to spi­ral out of con­trol.

“By re­fus­ing to im­ple­ment mean­ing­ful changes and by per­pet­u­at­ing the tenure of a com­mis­sion­er who has failed to curb crime, Prime Min­is­ter

Row­ley is com­plic­it in al­low­ing crime to flour­ish in our so­ci­ety. If you do not ac­tive­ly seek change, you’re ac­tive­ly sup­port­ing fail­ure,” Ram­bal­ly claimed.

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