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Saturday, March 22, 2025

PNM claims victory by virtue of winning more seats


1936 days ago
PNM supporters wait for results at Balisier House.

PNM supporters wait for results at Balisier House.


The Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) is claim­ing vic­to­ry in the Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment Elec­tions, on the ba­sis of win­ning more seats than the UNC.

Both par­ties won sev­en cor­po­ra­tions, with the UNC cap­tur­ing San­gre Grande which was pre­vi­ous­ly held by the PNM.

In a state­ment Mon­day night, the PNM's pub­lic re­la­tions of­fi­cer Lau­rel Leza­ma said that the PNM "has won the Mon­day 2nd De­cem­ber 2019 Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment Elec­tion".

"The Par­ty field­ed can­di­dates in every sin­gle Elec­toral Dis­trict in Trinidad, se­cur­ing 74 Seats, while the UNC got 65," the state­ment is­sued by Leza­ma said.

It added, "On be­half of the Po­lit­i­cal Leader, Cam­paign Team and the Par­ty’s Lead­er­ship, we ex­tend our tremen­dous grat­i­tude to the cit­i­zens who have placed re­newed faith in the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment. The PNM in­vites all of our cit­i­zens to move for­ward with us in the in­ter­est of our beloved coun­try."

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