Following a deadly shooting attack on Carnival Tuesday in Vegas, Morvant, in which five people were shot—two of whom died—police officers yesterday shot a man while on patrol in the area yesterday morning.
The wounded man, identified as Ricardo Martin, was taken to the hospital by police officers, where he later succumbed to his injuries.
Police claimed Martin shot at them and they returned fire.
During a visit to the area at Second Caledonia Extension, residents did not say much about what happened. However, the area was remarkably quiet, with just a few young men seen talking to each other.
One resident said, “We don’t know the man. They say he is Max from Valencia and he come in the area to check out his girlfriend, but we really don’t know him.”
Another resident said, “All we know is that the man run through a track up the hill and in the people yard and the police run up behind him. We see him put his hands in the air, then we see the police shoot him.”
A third resident, a woman, said in the past few weeks several people have either been killed, shot or wounded and blamed the upsurge of shootings on an ongoing “community war.”
“People around here are living in fear. I am afraid to walk the road and to travel. Everybody grow up together but we don’t know what is happening now. Why they shooting each other and killing each other. Too many wrong things going on,” the woman said.
“I worked on a truck on Carnival Tuesday and when I came home I heard they shot five people and out of the five, two died. It is scary up here,” she added.
According to a police report on the other incident, at about 4.40 pm on Tuesday, Keon Thomas, 30, and Anthony Elvis Pearson were among a group of five men liming at a house at Second Caledonia, when gunmen stormed in and opened fire on them.
Thomas and Pearson died on the scene while the other three were taken to hospital where they were treated.
On February 14, at about 6.30 am, Alfredo “Freddo” Alexander, 34, of 2nd Caledonia, Morvant, was gunned down. On January 29, Nkosi Lewis, 28, was shot dead while at Second Caledonia.