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Monday, March 3, 2025

Rajaee, 10 others to stand trial for Dana’s murder


Derek Achong
1684 days ago
Dana Seetahal

Dana Seetahal

Derek Achong

The group of men ac­cused of mur­der­ing for­mer In­de­pen­dent Sen­a­tor Dana See­ta­hal, SC, have been of­fi­cial­ly com­mit­ted to stand tri­al for the crime. 

Se­nior Mag­is­trate In­drani Ce­de­no brought the pro­tract­ed pre­lim­i­nary in­quiry in the case to an end as she ruled that State pros­e­cu­tors had pre­sent­ed suf­fi­cient ev­i­dence to make out a pri­ma fa­cie case against the men. 

The Of­fice of the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions (DPP) will now have to file in­dict­ments against the men be­fore the case is put on the High Court cause list of cas­es await­ing tri­al. 

Dur­ing suc­ces­sive hear­ings on Wednes­day and yes­ter­day, Ce­de­no heard the tes­ti­mo­ny of act­ing Pris­ons Com­mis­sion­er Den­nis Pul­chan, who was called as a de­fence wit­ness by Garth Wise­man, an ac­cused man who was on re­mand for an un­re­lat­ed mur­der when See­ta­hal was killed. 

Wise­man had iden­ti­fied an­oth­er de­fence wit­ness but his at­tor­neys even­tu­al­ly chose to not pur­sue that wit­ness­es’ tes­ti­mo­ny. De­vaughn Cum­mings had al­so iden­ti­fied two wit­ness­es but sub­se­quent­ly changed his mind. 

As a for­mal­i­ty in the hear­ing, Ce­de­no grant­ed al­leged gang leader Ra­jaee Ali $300,000 bail on the gang charge. How­ev­er, Ali can­not ac­cess the bail as he and his co-ac­cused will re­main on re­mand un­til the end of the even­tu­al tri­al of the case be­fore a Judge and ju­ry in the High Court. 

See­ta­hal was shot dead be­hind the wheel of her SUV while dri­ving along Hamil­ton Hold­er Street in Wood­brook on May 4, 2014. 

On Ju­ly 25, 2015, Ali, his broth­ers Ish­mael and Hamid Ali; De­vaughn Cum­mings, Ri­car­do Stew­art, Earl Richards, Stephan Cum­mings, Kevin Parkin­son, Le­ston Gon­za­les; Ro­get Bouch­er and Gareth Wise­man were charged with the crime. 

Ali’s wife Sta­cy Grif­fith, De­on Pe­ters and David Ec­tor were charged un­der the An­ti-Gang Act for be­ing mem­bers of a gang, while Grif­fith was ad­di­tion­al­ly charged with as­sist­ing the gang.

The gang charges were ini­tial­ly dis­missed based on the fact that they were laid in­dictably (heard and de­ter­mined by a High Court Judge and ju­ry), as op­posed to sum­mar­i­ly (heard and de­ter­mined by a mag­is­trate), as re­quired for first-time of­fend­ers un­der the leg­is­la­tion. 

The is­sue re­sult­ed in Pe­ters and Ec­tor be­ing freed. Grif­fith re­mained be­fore the court as she was slapped with the ad­di­tion­al charge that was prop­er­ly laid. Grif­fith’s charge for as­sist­ing the gang has since been dis­con­tin­ued by the DPP’s Of­fice. 

The Court of Ap­peal even­tu­al­ly re­versed Ce­de­no’s de­ci­sion and ef­fec­tive­ly re­in­stat­ed the charges for be­ing mem­bers of a gang.

As Ec­tor was mur­dered in Ju­ly 2018, on­ly Pe­ters was re­ar­rest­ed and recharged with the of­fence. 

The re­in­stat­ed charges are now set to go be­fore Mag­is­trate Sarah De Sil­va, with the first hear­ing set for Ju­ly 14.

Stephan Cum­mings was ini­tial­ly charged for the mur­der but in De­cem­ber 2017, he was made a State wit­ness af­ter he agreed to tes­ti­fy against his for­mer friends. The charge was dis­con­tin­ued against him and he was in­stead charged with con­spir­ing to mur­der See­ta­hal.

Al­most two weeks ago, Ce­de­no dis­missed a se­ries of no case sub­mis­sions from the ac­cused men, who claimed that the ev­i­dence pre­sent­ed in the in­quiry was in­suf­fi­cient to war­rant the charges.  

The ac­cused per­sons are be­ing rep­re­sent­ed by Mario Mer­ritt, Ran­dall Raphael, Karunaa Bis­ram­s­ingh, and Roshan To­ta-Ma­haraj. Se­nior Coun­sel Gilbert Pe­ter­son and As­sis­tant DPP George Bus­by are pros­e­cut­ing. Act­ing Su­per­in­ten­dent Seemu­n­gal Ram­per­sad of the Homi­cide Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion is the com­plainant in the case.  

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