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Monday, March 10, 2025

Ratiram hails "talented, beloved" Rennie Ramnarine


Ryan Bachoo
553 days ago
Rennie Ramnarine

Rennie Ramnarine

Ryan Ba­choo

Lead Ed­i­tor - News­gath­er­ing­

Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment for Cou­va North Ravi Rati­ram says the mu­si­cal land­scape in T&T as well as Chut­ney mu­sic in par­tic­u­lar, has lost a tal­ent­ed and beloved mu­si­cian in Ren­nie Ram­nar­ine who has graced the stage with his band, Dil-e-Nadan since join­ing the band in the 1980s.

Since Feb­ru­ary 2019, Ren­nie had been suf­fer­ing from re­nal fail­ure and re­quired reg­u­lar dial­y­sis treat­ment un­til a trans­plant could be found. He passed away on Mon­day morn­ing.

He's left be­hind his wife Maria, and his three daugh­ters Sama­ra, Samiya and Raveena Marie.

Rati­ram stat­ed in a me­dia re­lease, "The lega­cy of Ren­nie Ram­nar­ine will be long re­mem­bered in the art and fam­i­ly he leaves be­hind and all that is left to do is to ho­n­our and re­spect the man and the mu­sic he cre­at­ed for our en­ter­tain­ment. I there­fore join with the rest of the na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty as we pay our re­spects to an icon in the en­ter­tain­ment in­dus­try."


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