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Monday, March 24, 2025

Revised water schedules for South-West Trinidad 


829 days ago

Ad­just­ments have been made to the wa­ter sup­ply sched­ule to parts of South-West Trinidad, served by the Thicke Vil­lage Boost­er Sta­tion, ac­cord­ing to an ad­vi­so­ry from the Wa­ter and Sew­er­age Au­thor­i­ty.

WASA ex­plains that the es­tab­lished sup­ply sched­ules to some ar­eas has been de­layed due to me­chan­i­cal prob­lems at the South Oropouche Boost­er Sta­tion.

As a re­sult, the Au­thor­i­ty says the fol­low­ing ar­eas will be ser­viced un­der a re­vised sched­ule.


Update courtesy Water and Sewerage Authority

Update courtesy Water and Sewerage Authority

WASA as­sures a lim­it­ed truck borne ser­vice will be avail­able up­on re­quest, which can be re­quest­ed through the fol­low­ing self-ser­vice op­tions:

●   Use of the mo­bile WASA Ser­vices App, which can be down­loaded for An­droid mo­bile cus­tomers from the Play Store or iPhone mo­bile cus­tomers from the Ap­ple store; or

●   Use of the Cus­tomer Por­tal avail­able on the Au­thor­i­ty’s web­site at

Al­ter­na­tive­ly, WASA says, cus­tomers need­ing di­rect as­sis­tance or fur­ther in­for­ma­tion can con­tact WASA’s Cus­tomer Call Cen­tre toll free at 800-4420 and 800-4426.

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