Anna-Lisa Paul
Senior Reporter
Classes at Cunupia Secondary went on as normal yesterday just hours after a robbery and break-in at the school on Sunday night when bandits shot at a security officer and stole a quantity of items, including the keys to several classrooms.
School officials declined to comment on the incident and directed all questions to the Ministry of Education but students confirmed that something had happened on the compound the night before.
A group of male students, who spoke briefly with Guardian Media around 11 am while staff were in a meeting, said they arrived at the school to find MTS guards breaking the locks off the doors to classrooms in the Form Five Block. Pointing to five classrooms which were occupied, one of the boys said a sixth classroom in the main building had also been affected.
The armed intruders confronted the lone MTS guard on duty at the school on Sunday night, shooting at him, tying him up and breaking into the main staff room.
The Ministry of Education did not provide any details of the incident but a senior MTS official said: “The matter is under police investigation so we are unable to give any public statements at this time. However the officer affected is receiving counselling and support consistent with our policies and protocols in these situations.”
Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly condemned the incident and admitted: “This type of criminal act has, unfortunately, occurred at schools before.”
Gadsby-Dolly said she met with the Ministry of National Security on the matter of school security.
“The TTPS has been asked to increase their patrols in the vicinity of schools to lend support to the security officers stationed there,” she said.
“This latest incident has been reported to the police, and the Ministry of Education will offer what support is available to the victim. We rely, as we must, on the TTPS to resolve these matters.”