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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Roberts questions why no charges for axed SSA director


281 days ago
UNC Senator Anil Roberts addresses members of the media during yesterday’s press conference.

UNC Senator Anil Roberts addresses members of the media during yesterday’s press conference.


Op­po­si­tion Sen­a­tor Anil Roberts is ques­tion­ing the ve­rac­i­ty of the na­tion­al se­cu­ri­ty threat that led to the shake-up at the Strate­gic Ser­vices Agency (SSA), as its now-fired di­rec­tor, re­tired Ma­jor Roger Best has not been charged with a crime.

At an Op­po­si­tion press brief­ing yes­ter­day, at the UNC’s head­quar­ters at Mulchan Seuchan Road, Ch­agua­nas Roberts not­ed that po­lice charged three SSA agents with mis­be­hav­iour in pub­lic of­fice. Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley told re­porters at the open­ing of the Diego Mar­tin Li­brary in March that Gov­ern­ment be­lieved cir­cum­stances at the SSA pre­sent­ed a threat to na­tion­al se­cu­ri­ty that war­rant­ed a dras­tic in­ter­ven­tion from the Cab­i­net.

Re­call­ing this, Roberts prof­fered that a se­ri­ous threat could be a large cache of weapons, ex­plo­sives or a plot to desta­bilise the coun­try. But he said so far he has on­ly seen charges against the SSA agents for the al­leged trans­fer of firearms and am­mu­ni­tion be­tween law en­force­ment agen­cies with­out prop­er pa­per­work.

Roberts does not be­lieve those charges meet the bench­mark of a crit­i­cal na­tion­al se­cu­ri­ty threat.

He said what might reach the thresh­old for mis­be­hav­iour in pub­lic of­fice is a prime min­is­ter ap­proach­ing a pres­i­dent to in­ter­cept an in­de­pen­dent mer­it list of nom­i­na­tions for Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice (CoP). He said mis­be­hav­iour en­tails a prime min­is­ter en­abling a pres­i­dent to cause the Po­lice Ser­vice Com­mis­sion (PolSC) chair­man to breach Sec­tion 123 of the Con­sti­tu­tion.

“The PolSC then col­lapsed, and the CoP, who was ranked num­ber 12, is now com­mis­sion­er, and now peo­ple are dy­ing in the streets, bars, and gro­ceries. Kid­nap­ping is rais­ing and rar­ing its ug­ly head again. Home in­va­sions all across this land. We were with­out a sub­stan­tive CoP for at least 11 months. Now, we have peo­ple who are not able to man­age be­ing ex­tend­ed. That is a threat to na­tion­al se­cu­ri­ty. Not two .9 mm be­tween po­lice,” Roberts said.

Roberts claimed that Row­ley has been at­tack­ing in­de­pen­dent State in­sti­tu­tions and re­plac­ing their lead­ers with peo­ple who would serve the Gov­ern­ment’s pur­pose.

He ques­tioned if a re­cent­ly pro­mot­ed DCP who over­sees the SSA en­quiry was “fit for pur­pose”. He claimed the DCP’s in­volve­ment in the Po­lice Ser­vice (TTPS) trav­el to Bar­ba­dos to par­tic­i­pate in the al­leged un­law­ful cap­ture of busi­ness­man Brent Thomas in 2022 was ques­tion­able.

Roberts said the SSA was good for the coun­try, but al­leged that mem­bers re­fused to do Row­ley’s bid­ding, so now mem­bers are “un­der at­tack”. 

“So who is this Cab­i­net of fail­ures to fire a man who has not been charged? What is the prob­lem you have with this SSA, Kei­th Row­ley?” he asked.

Roberts ques­tioned if Row­ley’s promise to re­turn the SSA to its pur­pose meant spy­ing on the Op­po­si­tion and PNM dis­si­dents.

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