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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sea Lots man charged with various offences granted $100,000 bail


1422 days ago

An­tho­ny Mills, a 21-year-old man of Pi­o­neer Dri­ve, Sea Lots, ap­peared be­fore Jus­tice of the Peace Abra­ham Ali yes­ter­day charged with pos­ses­sion of co­caine for traf­fick­ing, ob­scene lan­guage, and re­sist­ing ar­rest. He was grant­ed $100,000 bail.

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice re­ports, around 6.45 pm on April 7th mem­bers of the Port of Spain City Po­lice Task Force were on foot pa­trol along Char­lotte Street. The of­fi­cers ob­served the sus­pect walk­ing in the op­po­site di­rec­tion glanc­ing at them fre­quent­ly. Of­fi­cers be­came sus­pi­cious and stopped and searched him. A clear plas­tic bag con­tain­ing co­caine was al­leged­ly found.

PC Lewis at­tempt­ed to ar­rest the man when a strug­gle en­sued and he be­gan us­ing ob­scene lan­guage. With the as­sis­tance of oth­er of­fi­cers, PC Lewis then ar­rest­ed and con­veyed him to the Port of Spain City Po­lice sta­tion. He was sub­se­quent­ly charged for the three of­fences. Mills is ex­pect­ed to ap­pear be­fore the Port of Spain Mag­is­trates’ Court vir­tu­al­ly on Tues­day 8th June 2021.

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