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Friday, March 14, 2025

Soldier gunned down, 3 others hurt in Diego


Rhondor Dowlat
388 days ago
Denapoli Greene, 27, of La Puerta Avenue, Diego Martin, was gunned down on Sunday night. He was a soldier in the T&T Defence Force.

Denapoli Greene, 27, of La Puerta Avenue, Diego Martin, was gunned down on Sunday night. He was a soldier in the T&T Defence Force.

Po­lice said high-pow­ered weapons were used in the dead­ly shoot­ing that oc­curred in Diego Mar­tin on Sun­day night, which left a mem­ber of the T&T De­fence Force dead and three oth­ers wound­ed.

Crime Scene In­ves­ti­ga­tors re­cov­ered over 40 spent shells at the scene of the crime at La Puer­ta Av­enue.

The vic­tim was iden­ti­fied as De­napoli Nicholai Greene, 27, of 65 La Puer­ta Av­enue, Diego Mar­tin. The sol­dier was last as­signed to Camp La Ro­main in south Trinidad.

A po­lice re­port said at 9.45 pm, Greene was lim­ing at La Puer­ta Av­enue with a group of men when a sil­ver-coloured ve­hi­cle drove up to them. Two gun­men got out the car and opened fire on the group. Greene died at the scene.

The three men who were in­jured were shot mul­ti­ple times. They were tak­en to the St James Med­ical Hos­pi­tal for treat­ment.

Po­lice iden­ti­fied them as a 20-year-old man from Up­per La Puer­ta Av­enue, who was shot in the right leg; a 27-year-old man from Rox­bor­ough Street, who was shot in the in­ner left and right thighs and an 18-year-old of Al­bas­mond Dri­ve, La Puer­ta Av­enue, who was shot on the right thigh, left hip and left groin/pelvis area.

All three were in sta­ble con­di­tion at hos­pi­tal yes­ter­day.

The mur­dered man’s rel­a­tive, who asked not to be named, said the com­mu­ni­ty was in a state of shock over Greene’s killing.

“We can­not un­der­stand how some­thing like that could hap­pen in his home. He was home and killed. But the on­ly thing left now is jus­tice, one way or the oth­er we have to get jus­tice. I ain’t re­al­ly trust the po­lice but we watch­ing what will be done and who they charg­ing for this,” the rel­a­tive said.

The rel­a­tive added that there are claims that a fight may have led to the mur­der.

“Word on the ground is that they say­ing Nic was in­volved in a fight on the Av­enue but that’s strange to me. That young man is a dis­ci­plined young man in and out of uni­form. But jus­tice will come,” the rel­a­tive added.

Greene’s col­leagues were al­so left sad­dened.

One of them al­so de­nied that the 27-year-old sol­dier was bul­lied by oth­er mem­bers of the De­fence Force, af­ter a so­cial me­dia video showed Greene be­ing laughed at and called names.

“There’s noth­ing to it re­al­ly. He was just be­ing laughed at and he was al­so laugh­ing but we knew him to be the one who took his du­ty se­ri­ous­ly and en­sured that he ex­e­cut­ed over­all dis­ci­pline and was neat­ly dressed in his uni­form at all times,” the col­league said.

Po­lice said they are work­ing to es­tab­lish a mo­tive for the in­ci­dent and are try­ing to de­ter­mine if it was con­nect­ed to a bar brawl over the week­end.

It is al­leged that a busi­ness­man was beat­en by a group of men while at a bar.

Po­lice are ask­ing any­one with in­for­ma­tion to come for­ward.

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