Congratulations from some - and calls for new Commissioner of Police Erla Harewood-Christopher to tour T&T and hear people’s crime issues.
This after Parliament yesterday approved her for the post in a vote by both Government and Opposition.
Harewood-Christopher topped the scores on the merit list sent by the Police Service Commission on Monday to the President. Former acting CoP McDonald Jacob was ranked second on the list and assistant Supt Anand Ramesar third, officials said.
Jacob said he learned the news of Harewood-Christopher’s confirmation when he returned from an errand.
“And I sent her a congratulatory message via What’s App,” he said.
The message stated, “Congratulations, congratulations and God speed.”
It also featured emojis of big applause, a pink balloon, a champagne bottle popping, plus party and party poppers.
Jacob said he stood ready with assistance and advice if necessary, as he’d stated in a message to TTPS officers on January 21 - the day after he retired - when he’d also urged them to support Harewood-Christopher.
“My views remain the same,” Jacob added.
In that message, Jacob told officers it was a pleasure working with them for the past 42 years and notwithstanding the many challenges, his experience had been quite pleasurable.
Former acting CoP Stephen Williams said he too congratulated Harewood-Christopher.
Former CoP Gary Griffith, who’s abroad, said, “Giving congratulations to Harewood-Christopher via informing the media is cosmetic. I communicated with her, giving her my support over a week ago, as the choice by the Government was well known, so the result was obvious.
“It is expected that every law-abiding citizens would hope that she succeeds. Interesting to note that UNC abstained when I was nominated in 2019 but agreed to vote in favour of the nominee this time around. Interesting,” Griffith said.
“When I went up for CoP, one UNC speaker spent 45 minutes attacking me, but Erla was more fortunate.”
Griffith noted that he’d recently advised Christopher not to be politically swayed if selected, to resist being used as a political pawn in anyone’s games and to remember her oath in office is to be of service to the people of T&T and not be politically motivated or controlled even if it costs her the post.
T&T Police Social and Welfare Association head Gideon Dickson said: “The people have witnessed an historic event in that we’ve seen the first woman police officer confirmed in the rank of Police Commissioner.”
He said the association is prepared to give their fullest support, as she has demonstrated over the past 40 years of dedication, devotion and commitment to the people and TTPS.
“We’re seeing the ushering in of a new era and the shattering of the glass ceiling and we stand ready to provide whatever support she requires at this time to assist in alleviating fear of crime and assist in crime management,” he said.
Dickson said Harewood-Christopher coming from the TTPS’ bowels would understand the hardships faced by officers and the association expects she’ll do her best to ensure “our welfare issues are addressed in the shortest possible time.”
“That being said, we wish her all the best and commend her on this historic milestone; and it also sets the barometers for females in T&T ... she’ll be called on to unify the ranks of the First and Second Divisions to achieve our strategic goals.”
Saying she alone couldn’t repel crime, Dickson called on people to “say something if they see something.”
Chaguanas Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CCCIC) president Baldath Maharaj also they are ready to work with Harewood-Christopher.
Saying the CCIC has always cooperated and assisted the police, he said they want to see a reduction in serious crimes in Central.
“The recent upsurge in serious crimes in the borough now makes us a crime hotspot in the Central Division. As part of our initiatives to support the business community and make the borough a safer environment for shoppers, businesses and investors, the Chamber welcomes any initiatives and programmes that would provide a sense of security.
“Crime has certainly been a deterrent to the growth of businesses in the borough. We are eager to work with the authorities to restore the confidence of our citizens and members of the business community so that Chaguanas and by extension, the wider economy, can attract more investments and business activities in the quickest possible time.”
While some Diego Martin businessmen called for Harewood-Christopher to employ “tangibly seen proven modern innovative “strategies to reduce the very high murder rate,” some citizens were doubtful she could reduce it beyond last year’s record high.
Others called for her to embark on a nationwide tour of all 41 constituencies and speak to residents.
“If people don’t see willingness to reach out, she fail before she start,” a La Romain retiree said.
— With reporting by Shastri Boodan