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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Student, 22, dies in accident days before graduation


Kevon Felmine
514 days ago

Keris­sa Dowrich was plan­ning to wear a white dress her moth­er Karen Thomp­son got for her grad­u­a­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies, St Au­gus­tine Cam­pus, next week. But the 22-year-old San Fer­nan­do woman’s dreams were cut short when she was killed in a Sat­ur­day night crash along the South Trunk Road, La Ro­main.She was the on­ly fa­tal­i­ty in the two-ve­hi­cle smash-up.

In­stead of feel­ing the pride of watch­ing Dowrich re­ceive her BSc in In­for­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy and mi­nor in In­ter­na­tion­al Re­la­tions with ho­n­ours, the griev­ing moth­er now con­tem­plates bury­ing her daugh­ter in her grad­u­a­tion dress.
Po­lice said mo­torist Tony Singh was dri­ving his pick-up South along the South Trunk Road, La Ro­main, with pas­sen­gers Richard Ram­lo­gan and Joshua Ram­lo­gan. As he reached the traf­fic lights at Al­ice Street around 11.31 pm, an­oth­er ve­hi­cle ex­it­ed the street, re­port­ed­ly broke the traf­fic lights and at­tempt­ed to merge on­to the south­ern lane of the South Trunk Road.

The pick-up crashed in­to the left side of the ve­hi­cle, caus­ing both to lose con­trol and col­lide with the met­al bar­ri­ers along the road­way. 
Po­lice and am­bu­lance re­spond­ed and found a woman iden­ti­fied as Dana Cor­bie and a male pas­sen­ger in­jured in the ve­hi­cle. An am­bu­lance took them to the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal for treat­ment. How­ev­er, they found Dowrich dead in the dri­ver’s seat. In­ves­ti­ga­tors said they had not yet de­ter­mined if she was in­deed the dri­ver of the ve­hi­cle.

Mean­while, Richard and Joshua the pas­sen­gers in the pick-up al­so suf­fered in­juries and were tak­en to hos­pi­tal by an am­bu­lance.
Speak­ing at their San Fer­nan­do home yes­ter­day, rel­a­tives said Dowrich got a tem­po­rary job at Fun­Sta­tion, La Ro­main, and reached home around 9 pm. Her friend Cor­bie picked her up for them to get food and were said to be re­turn­ing home when the ac­ci­dent oc­curred. Thomp­son said she last spoke to Dowrich yes­ter­day morn­ing be­fore leav­ing for work.

“She had got­ten up ear­ly, and I asked her what time she would fin­ish. She said nine. I said al­right, and I went to work, and that was it,” Thomp­son said.
The moth­er said she was un­sure what hap­pened but heard the oth­er ve­hi­cle slammed in­to the car. She said her daugh­ter’s friend, Cor­bie, does not drink. She said she had heard var­i­ous ac­counts of who was dri­ving and was hop­ing for clar­i­ty.

“She was a sweet child that every­one loved. It is hard,” the moth­er said. 
Dowrich was de­scribed as be­ing very help­ful, and her moth­er could on­ly say good things about her.
A rel­a­tive said Dowrich was a God-fear­ing young woman who al­ways wrote down her goals to man­i­fest them to life. Dowrich was ex­cit­ed about grad­u­a­tion and want­ed to do net­work­ing af­ter­wards. 

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