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Friday, February 14, 2025

Tempa apologises for explicit Buccoo performance


Carisa Lee
672 days ago
Dancehall artiste Tempa

Dancehall artiste Tempa


Lo­cal dance­hall artiste Re­bec­ca “Tem­pa” Alexan­der and of­fi­cials of the Buc­coo Vil­lage Coun­cil have apol­o­gised for the singer’s ex­ple­tive-laden per­for­mance at the 95th An­nu­al Buc­coo Goat and Crab Fes­ti­val over the week­end.

Some of the lyrics in Tem­pa’s song are ex­plic­it and while she did not sing those parts, the au­di­ence in­clud­ing chil­dren did. There was wide­spread out­rage and con­dem­na­tion of the per­for­mance af­ter video footage post­ed on so­cial me­dia shows the “Beg­gin” singer en­cour­ag­ing chil­dren to sing along.

In an apol­o­gy post­ed on her In­sta­gram page, Tem­pa ad­mit­ted that her mu­sic is geared to­ward adults. She al­so ac­knowl­edged her re­spon­si­bil­i­ty in the mat­ter and said she’s young and will learn.

“I will put more ef­fort in re­build­ing my style and per­for­mance when I en­counter an un­ex­pect­ed au­di­ence,” she wrote.

In a press re­lease, the Buc­coo Vil­lage Coun­cil said it cau­tioned en­ter­tain­ers about the use of ob­scene lan­guage dur­ing their per­for­mances and ad­ver­tised who the en­ter­tain­ment would have been, and brought on the main act lat­er in the night.

“Par­ents with younger chil­dren ex­it­ed the event by 9.30 pm,” the re­lease stat­ed.

The Vil­lage Coun­cil said da­ta in­di­cat­ed that youth par­tic­i­pa­tion and en­gage­ment in the event were on a sharp de­cline and theyl gave their youth com­mit­tee the op­por­tu­ni­ty to con­tribute to the plan­ning of this event withd sug­ges­tions for mak­ing it more in­clu­sive. This re­sult­ed in an in­ci­dent-free event with the largest at­ten­dance in over a decade.

En­ter­tain­er Trinidad Kil­la (Kern Joseph) said an artiste should know and read the au­di­ence.

“You have to know where you is (sic) and what to per­form at cer­tain venues. I will use ob­scene lan­guage in an en­closed area like a club,” he said.

Trinidad Kil­la said there were times when he did not sing cer­tain songs be­cause of the au­di­ence and their lyrics. He not­ed that Tem­pa is young and will learn.

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