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Monday, March 3, 2025

Three robbery suspects arrested


News Desk
1635 days ago


Of­fi­cers of the West­ern Di­vi­sion Emer­gency Re­sponse Pa­trol (ERP) ar­rest­ed three rob­bery sus­pects this af­ter­noon.

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice re­ports, a con­cerned cit­i­zen alert­ed po­lice to a rob­bery in progress at Strath­more Av­enue, Glen­coe at around 1:45 pm to­day.

The pa­trol unit re­spond­ed and the sus­pects’ ve­hi­cle was lo­cat­ed short­ly af­ter on Morne Co­co Road, Pe­tit Val­ley.

They at­tempt­ed to evade po­lice, which re­sult­ed in the two ve­hi­cles col­lid­ing.

The three men were sub­se­quent­ly ar­rest­ed and their ve­hi­cle se­cured with the as­sis­tance of mem­bers of the West­ern Di­vi­sion Task Force (WDTF).

A num­ber of stolen items in­clud­ing cell phones and jew­ellery were re­cov­ered. PC Charles and WPC Ram­cha­ran sus­tained mi­nor in­juries and there was al­so slight dam­age to the po­lice ve­hi­cle.

The three sus­pects from Mor­vant, Pe­tit Val­ley and San Juan, al­so sus­tained mi­nor in­juries. In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing.


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