Persons employed in the glass bottom tour boat industry out of Store Bay, Tobago want to meet with officials from the Tobago House of Assembly.
Speaking with Guardian Media, workers said since the COVID-19 Virus hit T&T no one from the THA has started any consultation with Tour Operators who are very uncertain of what the future may hold for them.
They said they want to know what form of relief if any, the THA is prepared to dish out.
When Guardian Media visited Store Bay on Friday 11 tourists from Trinidad and the United Kingdom were waiting to board a vessel. Roughly 12 boats are operating during the peak season that caters to a high number of Trinidadians who come across to Tobago for the holiday season. Operators said the upcoming Easter season is expected to be bleak as many have cancelled bookings at hotels and only three boats were working.
Maria Rudolfo, a UK national who is on vacation in Tobago, said she was very worried about the coronavirus and was not in a hurry to head back to the UK.
Rudolfo said on Monday the beach was extremely busy.
However, on Friday when Guardian Media visited there were around 20 persons at the popular Store Bay beach.
The tourist said the UK has its borders open and she would have go into quarantine for 14 days when she eventually returns.