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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tour boat operators want help from THA


Shastri Boodan
1816 days ago

Per­sons em­ployed in the glass bot­tom tour boat in­dus­try out of Store Bay, To­ba­go want to meet with of­fi­cials from the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly.

Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia, work­ers said since the COVID-19 Virus hit T&T no one from the THA has start­ed any con­sul­ta­tion with Tour Op­er­a­tors who are very un­cer­tain of what the fu­ture may hold for them.

They said they want to know what form of re­lief if any, the THA is pre­pared to dish out.

When Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed Store Bay on Fri­day 11 tourists from Trinidad and the Unit­ed King­dom were wait­ing to board a ves­sel. Rough­ly 12 boats are op­er­at­ing dur­ing the peak sea­son that caters to a high num­ber of Trinida­di­ans who come across to To­ba­go for the hol­i­day sea­son. Op­er­a­tors said the up­com­ing East­er sea­son is ex­pect­ed to be bleak as many have can­celled book­ings at ho­tels and on­ly three boats were work­ing.

Maria Rudol­fo, a UK na­tion­al who is on va­ca­tion in To­ba­go, said she was very wor­ried about the coro­n­avirus and was not in a hur­ry to head back to the UK.

Rudol­fo said on Mon­day the beach was ex­treme­ly busy.

How­ev­er, on Fri­day when Guardian Me­dia vis­it­ed there were around 20 per­sons at the pop­u­lar Store Bay beach.

The tourist said the UK has its bor­ders open and she would have go in­to quar­an­tine for 14 days when she even­tu­al­ly re­turns.

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