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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Trinidadian-American actor Austin Stoker dead at 92


868 days ago
Photo courtesty Austin Stoker website

Photo courtesty Austin Stoker website

Austin Stok­er, the Trinida­di­an-Amer­i­can ac­tor best known for his role as Lt. Ethan Bish­op in John Car­pen­ter’s 1976 film As­sault on Precinct 13 and Vir­gil in the TV mi­ni-se­ries Roots, has died. He was 92.

Stok­er passed away on Fri­day, Oc­to­ber 7, his 92nd birth­day, as con­firmed by his wife, Robin Stok­er. He was said to have died due to re­nal fail­ure and was sur­round­ed by his loved ones. The late ac­tor is sur­vived by his wife of over 40 years, his daugh­ter Tiffany, his son Ori­gen, and his two grand­sons, Mar­cus and Austin.

Austin Stok­er, the Trinida­di­an-Amer­i­can ac­tor best known for his role as Lt. Ethan Bish­op in John Car­pen­ter’s 1976 film As­sault on Precinct 13 and Vir­gil in the TV mi­ni-se­ries Roots, has died. He was 92.

Stok­er passed away on Fri­day, Oc­to­ber 7, his 92nd birth­day, as con­firmed by his wife, Robin Stok­er. He was said to have died due to re­nal fail­ure and was sur­round­ed by his loved ones. The late ac­tor is sur­vived by his wife of over 40 years, his daugh­ter Tiffany, his son Ori­gen, and his two grand­sons, Mar­cus and Austin.

Stok­er would re­turn to tele­vi­sion in 1977 when he ap­peared in two episodes of the Em­my-win­ning mi­ni-se­ries Roots. His last on-screen role came in the 2019 hor­ror film 3 from Hell.

Source: Fox 28

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