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Friday, February 21, 2025

TTPS gets fingerprint scanner


1645 days ago


Broad­view Sur­veil­lance Sys­tems has do­nat­ed a Guardian 200 ten-print Fin­ger­print scan­ner to the Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice (TTPS).

The brief hand-over cer­e­mo­ny took place at the Po­lice Ad­min­is­tra­tion Build­ing in Port-of-Spain, to­day.

Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer of Broad­view Sur­veil­lance Sys­tem, Mar­cus Tewarie, Deputy Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice, Mc Don­ald Ja­cob, As­sis­tant Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Odette Lewis, and Se­nior Supt Shirley Stan­ley-Caruth, were present at the han­dover.

Mar­cus Tewarie said, “this sys­tem is high­ly re­li­able and used by the FBI and In­ter­pol and oth­er law en­force­ment agen­cies around the world. This sys­tem would al­so lim­it phys­i­cal con­tact which is nec­es­sary dur­ing this pan­dem­ic.”

Deputy Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice, Mc Don­ald Ja­cob, ex­pressed grat­i­tude on be­half of the Ex­ec­u­tive of the TTPS.

He stat­ed that “this type of equip­ment will as­sist the Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice with crime-fight­ing mea­sures to make Trinidad and To­ba­go safer.”

CrimePoliceTTPSFingerprint Scanner

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