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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

UNC: Give special grant to fisherfolk


380 days ago
Couva North MP Ravi Ratiram speaks at the Opposition’s media conference in Chaguanas, yesterday.

Couva North MP Ravi Ratiram speaks at the Opposition’s media conference in Chaguanas, yesterday.


The Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC) is call­ing on Gov­ern­ment to give af­fect­ed To­ba­go fish­er­folk a com­pen­sa­tion grant.

Al­most two weeks af­ter a cap­sized car­go ves­sel caused an oil leak 150 me­tres off the coast of the Cove in To­ba­go, the Op­po­si­tion said fish­er­folk will now strug­gle to earn a liv­ing.

Dur­ing an Op­po­si­tion news con­fer­ence yes­ter­day, Cou­va North MP Ravi Rati­ram said fish­er­folk in ar­eas such as Lam­beau have not been able to ply their trade since the in­ci­dent took place on Feb­ru­ary 10.

He al­so ac­cused the Min­istry of Agri­cul­ture, Land and Fish­eries of not deal­ing with the con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed seafood in To­ba­go.

Rati­ram said, “The fish­er­folk have been ground­ed. Ves­sels from Scar­bor­ough to Black Rock have been ground­ed … At this point in time, fish­er­folk can’t ply their trade plus there’s go­ing to be a loss of earn­ings for fish­er­folk across To­ba­go.

“Fish­er­folk can­not ply their trade, can­not go out and earn a liv­ing, earn an in­come to put food on the ta­ble for their fam­i­lies. What is this Gov­ern­ment do­ing at this point in time to show com­pas­sion for these fam­i­lies? There is ab­solute­ly no com­mu­ni­ca­tion com­ing from the Min­istry of Agri­cul­ture, Land and Fish­eries,” he added.

Fish­er­folk are al­so pre­dict­ing a short­age in fish due to the oil leak and as a re­sult, said the price of fish will climb. And for those who are still able to catch fish, Rati­ram said they too may be faced with ob­sta­cles as many peo­ple may be­come scep­ti­cal about pur­chas­ing fish at the mar­ket in fear of be­com­ing ill.

The Op­po­si­tion said Gov­ern­ment should con­sid­er how deeply im­pact­ed fish­er­folk in To­ba­go will be.

Time to de­clare

Tier 3 emer­gency

Mean­while, the Op­po­si­tion is al­so call­ing on the Dr Kei­th Row­ley-led Gov­ern­ment to de­clare the oil spill in To­ba­go a Tier 3 emer­gency.

While ad­dress­ing the is­sue in par­lia­ment on Fri­day, Prime Min­is­ter Row­ley said seek­ing in­ter­na­tion­al as­sis­tance may be the next step, but did not spec­i­fy how soon.

How­ev­er, the Op­po­si­tion yes­ter­day de­mand­ed Row­ley act on the mat­ter now as it is a dis­as­ter af­fect­ing not just T&T but the re­gion.

While the ves­sel is still stuck on the reef at Cove, To­ba­go, its spill has reached as far as Grena­da.

Rati­ram said, “We are call­ing on the Gov­ern­ment to ac­ti­vate the Tier 3 re­sponse and in­vite the nec­es­sary in­ter­na­tion­al agen­cies to have this spill con­tained and to bring to an end the con­tin­u­ing de­struc­tion of To­ba­go’s eco­log­i­cal en­vi­ron­ment and now that of the neigh­bour­ing coun­tries who may al­so be at threat.

“It is clear that this Gov­ern­ment has failed to act in a time­ly and re­spon­si­ble man­ner. As such, the Op­po­si­tion is now de­mand­ing the Gov­ern­ment to act now be­fore things get worse. They have failed to recog­nise that this is clear­ly a Tier 3 dis­as­ter. And they have failed to in­vite the in­ter­na­tion­al agen­cies to pro­vide the nec­es­sary as­sis­tance and to treat this mat­ter as a mat­ter of ur­gency,” he added.

Ac­cord­ing to the Na­tion­al Oil Spill Con­tin­gency Plan, Tier 2 spills are medi­um-sized spills that can sig­nif­i­cant­ly im­pact the vicin­i­ty and an area or na­tion­al sup­port for ad­e­quate spill re­sponse is re­quired.

Tier 3 spills are large spills re­quir­ing sub­stan­tial re­sources and sup­port from re­gion­al or in­ter­na­tion­al spill co­op­er­a­tives to mit­i­gate ef­fects per­ceived to be wide-reach­ing.

Along with fish­er­folk, the Op­po­si­tion said many res­i­dents and vol­un­teers are al­so be­ing af­fect­ed.

Rati­ram said vil­lagers of Lam­beau and en­vi­rons are now forced to re­lo­cate or suf­fer the stench due to the spill.

The lives of the clean-up vol­un­teers are al­so at stake, ac­cord­ing to Rati­ram as they too are be­ing ex­posed to harm­ful gas­es.

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