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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Union prepares for possible TSTT job cuts


Sharlene Rampersad
1320 days ago
CWU leader Clyde Elder address members of the media during the press conference.

CWU leader Clyde Elder address members of the media during the press conference.

The Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Work­ers’ Union (CWU) has start­ed gear­ing up for bat­tle with TSTT, af­ter hear­ing ru­mours that the com­pa­ny in­tends to re­trench 600 em­ploy­ees.

CWU Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al Clyde El­der told CNC3’s The Morn­ing Brew host Soyi­ni Grey that those ru­mours were start­ed by Na­tion­al En­ter­pris­es Lim­it­ed (NEL) chair­man In­grid Lash­ley.

El­der al­leged that Lash­ley made the com­ment some­time in June and al­though the union has writ­ten the com­pa­ny and been told the claims were not true, CWU is get­ting ready to fight.

“For Ms Lash­ley to put some­thing in the pub­lic, say­ing TSTT has em­barked on an­oth­er re­struc­tur­ing ex­er­cise, it means that she has in­for­ma­tion, she is well aware about what she’s talk­ing about and (Sean) Roach (TSTT chair­man) and the com­pa­ny is try­ing to maybe make fools of us and say no, we don’t know what you’re talk­ing about,” El­der said.

But he said this de­nial on­ly serves to bring up bit­ter mem­o­ries of the com­pa­ny’s re­trench­ment of 500 em­ploy­ees in 2018.

“They did the same thing in 2018, they said, ‘No, no, no, noth­ing is go­ing to hap­pen” and less than a month af­ter that, 500 of us, my­self in­clud­ed, was re­trenched,” he said.

El­der said based on that ex­pe­ri­ence, CWU does not ex­pect TSTT to obey good in­dus­tri­al re­la­tions prac­tices.

He said CWU has “burned to learn.”

“Now, we are strate­gis­ing, we are meet­ing with our at­tor­neys, we are meet­ing with oth­er rep­re­sen­ta­tives which I don’t want to say right now, but we are do­ing things to en­sure that this time around, we ei­ther stop it out­right or we mit­i­gate the im­pacts of what is hap­pen­ing this time around. The com­pa­ny has said it is not com­ing, that is their po­si­tion, that is not hap­pen­ing but we do not be­lieve them.”

He said there are mat­ters filed in the In­dus­tri­al Court by the union re­lat­ing to the 2018 re­trench­ment, in­clud­ing a re­quest to have that re­trench­ment ex­er­cise de­clared null and void. How­ev­er, due to the pan­dem­ic and the com­pa­ny’s lack of a re­sponse to the ac­tion, El­der said both mat­ters have been put off un­til March 2022.

He ac­cused TSTT’s man­age­ment of de­lib­er­ate­ly at­tack­ing the CWU.

“They found it nec­es­sary to re­trench me, the Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al (in 2018) and what we are hear­ing is that our cur­rent pres­i­dent, who is now on sec­ond­ment with the union, al­though she will not fit the cri­te­ria to be re­trenched, on­ly to make an ex­am­ple of unions and the Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Work­ers’ Union and to dri­ve that point home, that they in­tend to re­trench her,” he said.

El­der said the CWU would “fight with their lives” to pro­tect its mem­bers and it­self.

Guardian Me­dia reached out to TSTT man­ag­er of Me­dia and Stake­hold­er Re­la­tions Janelle David for com­ment on El­der’s claims.

David said the union’s con­cerns stemmed from state­ments made by NEL and not TSTT, adding TSTT can­not com­ment on state­ments made by NEL. She said the com­pa­ny has been tak­ing steps to “ad­dress the cost and rev­enue chal­lenges” brought on by changes in tech­nol­o­gy and the pan­dem­ic.

“TSTT is cog­nizant of the tenets of good in­dus­tri­al re­la­tions prac­tice and will not vi­o­late same in any cir­cum­stances,” David wrote in a re­sponse.

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