Complete restoration of a supply of clear water to consumers served by the Navet Water Treatment plant was expected by 8 pm Tuesday and over 75 per cent of the affected customers already had their supply fully restored.
Acting Senate leader Paula Gopee-Scoon gave this assurance yesterday to UNC Senator Wade Mark's query. The supply to residents of the South Eastern peninsula was affected on Monday when an electrical power outage was experienced.
As a result, Gopee-Scoon said, pumps at the reservoir were unable to send raw water to the plant for treatment and storage within the clearwell.
This resulted in low clearwell levels being experienced at the plant and discoloured water transmitted into the system.
Gopee-Scoon said following discovery of the situation, all 17 offtakes along the transmission main from the plant were immediately closed to contain the discoloured water from continuing to enter the distribution system.
She added, "WASA has advised that as of 8 am (yesterday morning) the process of flushing both the transmission and distribution systems were completed."
"All washout valves along the distribution system for each offtake were also opened, allowing the discoloured water that remained in these lines to be drained. Simultaneously, flushing of the clear well at the Navet plant was performed, followed by the flushing of the transmission main."
Once water colour was restored, each offtake, starting with those closest to the plant was systematically opened allowing clear water to enter the distribution system to flush lines. Several booster stations along this distribution network were restarted.