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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Water back to Navet consumers


1023 days ago
WASA headquarters in St Joseph.

WASA headquarters in St Joseph.

Com­plete restora­tion of a sup­ply of clear wa­ter to con­sumers served by the Navet Wa­ter Treat­ment plant was ex­pect­ed by 8 pm Tues­day and over 75 per cent of the af­fect­ed cus­tomers al­ready had their sup­ply ful­ly re­stored.

Act­ing Sen­ate leader Paula Gopee-Scoon gave this as­sur­ance yes­ter­day to UNC Sen­a­tor Wade Mark's query. The sup­ply to res­i­dents of the South East­ern penin­su­la was af­fect­ed on Mon­day when an elec­tri­cal pow­er out­age was ex­pe­ri­enced.

As a re­sult, Gopee-Scoon said, pumps at the reser­voir were un­able to send raw wa­ter to the plant for treat­ment and stor­age with­in the clear­well.

This re­sult­ed in low clear­well lev­els be­ing ex­pe­ri­enced at the plant and dis­coloured wa­ter trans­mit­ted in­to the sys­tem.

Gopee-Scoon said fol­low­ing dis­cov­ery of the sit­u­a­tion, all 17 off­takes along the trans­mis­sion main from the plant were im­me­di­ate­ly closed to con­tain the dis­coloured wa­ter from con­tin­u­ing to en­ter the dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem.

She added, "WASA has ad­vised that as of 8 am (yes­ter­day morn­ing) the process of flush­ing both the trans­mis­sion and dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tems were com­plet­ed."

"All washout valves along the dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem for each off­take were al­so opened, al­low­ing the dis­coloured wa­ter that re­mained in these lines to be drained. Si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly, flush­ing of the clear well at the Navet plant was per­formed, fol­lowed by the flush­ing of the trans­mis­sion main."

Once wa­ter colour was re­stored, each off­take, start­ing with those clos­est to the plant was sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly opened al­low­ing clear wa­ter to en­ter the dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem to flush lines. Sev­er­al boost­er sta­tions along this dis­tri­b­u­tion net­work were restart­ed.


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