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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Why no charges against school bully?


1948 days ago
In this June 2019 file photo Marianna Acosta shows the scare on her daughter Terreese’s face, which happened when she cut with a razor blade by a student at the Guayaguayare Secondary School.

In this June 2019 file photo Marianna Acosta shows the scare on her daughter Terreese’s face, which happened when she cut with a razor blade by a student at the Guayaguayare Secondary School.

Rishi Ragoonath

A Guayagua­yare moth­er wants Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith to find out why his of­fi­cers have failed to charge a stu­dent who slashed her daugh­ter’s face, leav­ing her with par­tial fa­cial paral­y­sis.

It has been five months since 15-year-old Ter­resse Acos­ta was at­tacked at the Guayagua­yare Sec­ondary School by fe­male stu­dents, one of whom cut her across her face with a ra­zor blade. Af­ter a re­port was made to the po­lice in June, the in­jured girl’s moth­er, Mar­i­an­na Acos­ta, said an of­fi­cer told her that if he laid a charge against the al­leged as­sailant, he would al­so have to charge Ter­resse for fight­ing.
 Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter An­tho­ny Gar­cia said the in­ci­dent was in­ves­ti­gat­ed and the ag­gres­sor was sus­pend­ed but Acos­ta said the ac­tion was not enough. She said Ter­resse con­tin­ues to re­ceive threats from school­mates who have warned her that her life will wors­en if she re­turns to school. She has un­der­gone reg­u­lar coun­selling to cope with the trau­ma.

Since the in­ci­dent, Ter­resse has not re­turned to school and is miss­ing out on her first term in Form Three. She cur­rent­ly at­tends a clin­ic at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal fol­low­ing surgery in June to reat­tach sev­ered nerves in her face. Last Thurs­day, she was ad­vised to get ther­a­py to try to re­store move­ment to her face.
“She has not gone to school since and the bul­lies are still threat­en­ing her, still call­ing her names. They’re send­ing mes­sages to her, that if she comes back to school, what they will do to her. The po­lice have not done any­thing but I want to go back to the po­lice sta­tion to­mor­row. I heard they moved the po­lice of­fi­cer who was in charge of her case and they put an­oth­er of­fi­cer,” Acos­ta said.
“Next week, I want to go to the Po­lice Com­plaints Au­thor­i­ty if the po­lice do not give me any good feed­back,” she said.

Acos­ta has tried un­suc­cess­ful­ly to get her daugh­ter trans­ferred­to schools in Ma­yaro, San­gre Grande, Rio Claro and Table­land. She said a school su­per­vi­sor told her to let Ter­resse re­turn to the Guayagua­yare school, us­ing the anal­o­gy that even when a work­er is in­jured on a work­site, he or she has to re­turn to the same work­site when re­cov­ered. How­ev­er, she said, be­cause of the trau­ma and the un­healthy en­vi­ron­ment at the school, Ter­resse will not be able to fo­cus on her stud­ies.

She claimed a so­cial work­er vis­it­ed their home re­cent­ly and at­tempt­ed to force her to send Ter­resse back to the school, say­ing that it was against the law to keep her daugh­ter home.
Acos­ta is call­ing on the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion to as­sist in find­ing a new school for her daugh­ter.

The in­ci­dent

At around 10 am on June 6, dur­ing So­cial Stud­ies class, a teacher or­dered Ter­resse Acos­ta to stand in the cor­ri­dor. While she was there, an­oth­er stu­dent ac­cost­ed her. The teacher saw the in­ci­dent and or­dered the stu­dent to go to the prin­ci­pal’s of­fice. How­ev­er, two al­so ap­praoched Acos­ta and there was an ex­change of words dur­ing which the teen was cut on her face with a ra­zor blade.
Ter­resse was tak­en to the Guayagua­yare Health Cen­tre by am­bu­lance and then trans­ferred to the Ma­yaro Dis­trict Health Fa­cil­i­ty. She re­ceived 16 stitch­es and was re­ferred to the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal.
A School Su­per­vi­sor III lat­er sub­mit­ted a re­port to the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion which in­di­cat­ed that the prin­ci­pal had sus­pend­ed the stu­dent. The mat­ter was re­ferred to the po­lice. 

“I can’t say any­thing with re­gards to that,” Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter An­tho­ny Gar­cia said when he was ap­proached for com­ment yes­ter­day.

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