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Friday, February 14, 2025

Woman dies in early morning Woodbrook shooting


Shane Superville
408 days ago

A shoot­ing in Wood­brook ear­ly on Tues­day morn­ing led to the death of a woman and the wound­ing of a man.

Po­lice said of­fi­cers of the Port of Spain Di­vi­sion re­ceived a re­port of a shoot­ing on Car­los Street just af­ter 12 am on Tues­day and went to the scene.

On reach­ing the area they found a sil­ver Hyundai Elantra in the mid­dle of the road near the traf­fic lights.

In­side, the of­fi­cers found a 30-year-old St Barbs Road man bleed­ing from gun­shot wounds in the dri­ver’s side seat and Teneisha Jack­ie in the pas­sen­ger side who was al­so bleed­ing from gun­shots.

Po­lice took both Jack­ie and the bleed­ing man to the Port of Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal where Jack­ie was de­clared dead at around 12.20 am.

Po­lice said fur­ther en­quiries re­vealed a pur­ple Nis­san Qashqai drove near them.

Two gun­men got out of the car and shot at the car be­fore get­ting back in and dri­ving off.

Po­lice from the Homi­cide Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tions Re­gion I are con­tin­u­ing en­quiries.


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