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Friday, February 28, 2025

Woman run over by drunk driver dies


224 days ago
Aneziz Lewis, who died after being ran over twice, as she was exiting a car at a carpark, at SS Erin Road, Quarry Village, on Monday.

Aneziz Lewis, who died after being ran over twice, as she was exiting a car at a carpark, at SS Erin Road, Quarry Village, on Monday.


Se­nior Re­porter 



The moth­er of a 33-year-old woman who died two days af­ter she was run over twice by a car dri­ven by an in­tox­i­cat­ed dri­ver in Siparia wants the dri­ver to be charged with killing her daugh­ter.

Ear­ly yes­ter­day morn­ing, Anezia Lewis, of San­ta Flo­ra, suc­cumbed to her in­juries at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal.

Footage of the hor­rif­ic ac­ci­dent went vi­ral yes­ter­day, trig­ger­ing a storm of out­rage on so­cial me­dia.

Short­ly be­fore 10 pm on Mon­day, CCTV footage shows Lewis ex­it­ing the front pas­sen­ger seat of a car in the carpark of Se­cret Lounge Bar, at SS Erin Road, Quar­ry Vil­lage.

She walked to an­oth­er car and was speak­ing to a friend in the dri­ver’s seat. The dri­ver’s door was open.

The footage shows a blue Nis­san B-15 ve­hi­cle quick­ly re­vers­ing and slam­ming in­to Lewis, who was dragged to the road.

The ve­hi­cle stopped briefly and drove for­ward, run­ning over Lewis again as she tried to get up, pin­ning her un­der the car.

A man was al­most struck as he ran to her as­sis­tance and had to scam­per out of the way.

Even­tu­al­ly, a group of men lift­ed the car off of her. The dri­ver, from Siparia, failed a breathal­yser test with a read­ing of 65 mi­cro­grammes. The le­gal lim­it is 35 mi­cro­grammes.

In a tele­phone in­ter­view yes­ter­day, Lewis’s moth­er, An­na­marie Lewis, said her daugh­ter un­der­went six hours of surgery, was on life sup­port, se­mi-con­scious, but bare­ly speak­ing.

The moth­er lament­ed, “She was dragged mul­ti­ple times. It has a video with it. He was drunk like that and just knocked her over, over and over, crushed all her or­gans. She was crushed the doc­tor said. Her two foot were bro­ken mul­ti­ple times, her pelvis was bro­ken, one lung had col­lapsed, she had eight break ribs back and front, the kid­neys were bruised.”

Plead­ing with mo­torists not to dri­ve while in­tox­i­cat­ed, she said in 2008 her hus­band was killed in an ac­ci­dent at Mos­qui­to Creek while she was crit­i­cal­ly in­jured.

She said her son was al­so se­ri­ous­ly in­jured in an­oth­er ac­ci­dent, but sur­vived.

“They need to stop drink and dri­ve, ex­er­cise more cau­tion on the road,” she lament­ed.

When she vis­it­ed the po­lice sta­tion yes­ter­day morn­ing, she said the po­lice in­formed her that the dri­ver was charged with dri­ving un­der the in­flu­ence and fined $9,000. They told her they were await­ing the doc­tor’s re­port as in­ves­ti­ga­tions con­tin­ued.

How­ev­er, she wants him to be pros­e­cut­ed for killing her daugh­ter. “If you know can­not drink, why you drink­ing and dri­ving to take away peo­ple’s chil­dren’s life? It did not have to be mine it could be any­body else. It could have been a child.”

The moth­er said she did not know the dri­ver, and he had not reached out to them. De­scrib­ing her daugh­ter as a sweet­bread, the moth­er of three said Lewis was her youngest and was kind and obe­di­ent.

She would have cel­e­brat­ed her birth­day next month.

Siparia po­lice are in­ves­ti­gat­ing.

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