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Monday, March 3, 2025

WPC honoured after fending off, shooting bandit during robbery


930 days ago
Officers of the Shirvan Road Police Station, celebrate WPC Ayan Jordan (centre), who bravely fought off a male suspect during a report of robbery in progress last month. (Image courtesy TTPS. Photo by PC Lyndon Lashley)

Officers of the Shirvan Road Police Station, celebrate WPC Ayan Jordan (centre), who bravely fought off a male suspect during a report of robbery in progress last month. (Image courtesy TTPS. Photo by PC Lyndon Lashley)

“I was de­ter­mined that he was not get­ting away, even if it cost me my life.”

These were the sen­ti­ments of WPC Ayan Jor­dan fol­low­ing the “har­row­ing” in­ci­dent on Ju­ly 9, in which a male sus­pect vi­o­lent­ly at­tacked her as she re­spond­ed to a re­port of a rob­bery in progress at a restau­rant in To­ba­go.

The sus­pect fought the po­lice­woman as he des­per­ate­ly tried to take her firearm and shoot her. How­ev­er, she brave­ly de­fend­ed her­self and was able to sub­due the man, shoot­ing him and re­cov­er­ing the gun.

He was lat­er ar­rest­ed and slapped with eight of­fences.

“He was big­ger and stronger, I was de­ter­mined that he was not get­ting away even if it cost me my life,” WPC Jor­dan rec­ol­lect­ed, say­ing, “When I was con­front­ed with the sit­u­a­tion, I re­spond­ed the on­ly way I knew how and that was to fight!”

BRAVE OFFICER: WPC Ayan Jordan. (Image courtesy TTPS)

BRAVE OFFICER: WPC Ayan Jordan. (Image courtesy TTPS)

She added, “I am not afraid to con­front sit­u­a­tions, hence, when I was de­tailed to re­spond to this re­port, I was con­fi­dent to lead my col­leagues to the lo­ca­tion of the crime.”

WPC Jor­dan’s gal­lantry was lat­er cel­e­brat­ed by her col­leagues on Ju­ly 21st at the Shri­van Road Po­lice Sta­tion at a sur­prise ap­pre­ci­a­tion cer­e­mo­ny. As part of the com­mem­o­ra­tion, she was giv­en a plaque of ap­pre­ci­a­tion, among oth­er to­kens.

Sta­tion Com­man­der, In­spec­tor (Ag.) An­der­son Al­fred, de­scribed the of­fi­cer as “al­ways in a po­si­tion to act in an ap­pro­pri­ate man­ner in any cir­cum­stance.”

“First­ly, I would like to ap­pre­ci­ate the of­fi­cers that were with me dur­ing the or­deal for their sup­port and re­sponse. Re­gard­ing the ap­pre­ci­a­tion cer­e­mo­ny, to say that I was sur­prised would be a gross un­der­state­ment; it re­al­ly touched me, be­cause I thought noth­ing, or no one could re­al­ly sur­prise me as I am al­ways an ob­ser­vant in­di­vid­ual. In­sp (Ag.) Al­fred and the team en­sured that I was gen­uine­ly sur­prised,” she ex­pressed.  — (TTPS)

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