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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

‘Blue Thunder’ plans to roar again

Faces Five Rivers at home


893 days ago
Arima North Secondary Jeremy Joseph, right, and El Dorado East Secondary Sheldon Borne tussle for the ball during the Secondary School Football League Championship match at the Arima North Secondary on September 16 in Arima. Arima North Secondary won 3-1.

Arima North Secondary Jeremy Joseph, right, and El Dorado East Secondary Sheldon Borne tussle for the ball during the Secondary School Football League Championship match at the Arima North Secondary on September 16 in Arima. Arima North Secondary won 3-1.

Daniel Prentice


‘The Blue Thun­der’ of El Do­ra­do East Sec­ondary School is plan­ning to roar once again in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL).

The school, once known for be­ing a top con­tender in the top-flight com­pe­ti­tion and boast­ed of play­ers such as Stern John, Walt Nor­eiga, David Grimes and Sean Ros­ales, among many oth­ers, has been on a slow but steady climb that is ex­pect­ed to lead to a foot­ball team that they have been known to pro­duce.

The school’s de­sire to be­come a force in the sphere of ed­u­ca­tion, sports and all oth­er ar­eas of stu­dent de­vel­op­ment has led to the re­turn of for­mer coach Trevor Spicer, who joined a hard-work­ing team that is be­ing led by Joel War­rick.

The school is com­pet­ing in the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion, which means that pro­mo­tion to the cov­et­ed Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion will re­quire them to win the East Zone first, and then bat­tle for one of three top spots in a play­off at the end.

To­day, the school will be up against Five Rivers Sec­ondary at home from 3.40 pm, hop­ing to record its first win of the sea­son, fol­low­ing their open­ing 3-1 de­feat to arch-ri­vals Ari­ma North Sec­ondary, as well as a 3-3 tie with Va­len­cia Sec­ondary at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Mal­abar, Ari­ma.  

Spicer said from what he has seen in his team so far, it looks as though “they’ve got some­thing”.  

The Va­len­cia lads were al­so on the los­ing end in their open­ing game to Holy Cross Col­lege 2-3 and will be hop­ing to make amends this af­ter­noon.

Holy Cross will be at home to Ari­ma North in a clash of the two un­beat­en teams in the zone thus far. Last week, the men from Cal­vary Hills got the bet­ter of Man­zanil­la Sec­ondary 2-1 away and al­so de­feat­ed Va­len­cia.

Ari­ma North, known pop­u­lar­ly as the ‘Di­al Dy­namos’ will could face its tough­est test to date, fol­low­ing wins over El Do­ra­do and Va­len­cia.

All match­es to­day be­gin at 3.40 pm.

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