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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Cain-Claxton, Greene start T&T’s Parapan hunt


2023 days ago
Nyoshia Cain in the athletes’ village after carrying the national flag at the opening ceremony of the Parapan American Games in Lima, Peru, on Friday. Today, she will race for gold in the first of two events she will compete in, the women’s 100m T64 final.

Nyoshia Cain in the athletes’ village after carrying the national flag at the opening ceremony of the Parapan American Games in Lima, Peru, on Friday. Today, she will race for gold in the first of two events she will compete in, the women’s 100m T64 final.

Nyoshia Cain-Clax­ton proud­ly car­ried the na­tion­al flag dur­ing the open­ing cer­e­mo­ny of the Para­pan Amer­i­can Games at the Na­tion­al Sta­di­um in Pe­ru on Fri­day night and to­day, she will seek to have the Na­tion­al An­them play when she faces the starter in the women’s 100 me­tres T64 fi­nal.

“It was an ho­n­our to car­ry our na­tion­al flag and to be able to rep­re­sent the red, white and black,” Cain-Clax­ton, who is mak­ing her de­but at the event, told the Sun­day Guardian yes­ter­day.

“I am pret­ty ex­cit­ed ac­tu­al­ly, it’s my first Para­pan Amer­i­can Games.”

But Cain-Clax­ton will have to ad­just to quick­ly to the chilly con­di­tions in Li­ma, the host city, as she chas­es glo­ry.

Not­ing the se­vere weath­er con­di­tions, Cain-Clax­ton said, “The weath­er is ac­tu­al­ly good dur­ing the day but at night it’s re­al­ly cold. To­day (yes­ter­day) was one of the cold­est days we had since we came.”

The lo­cal ath­lete will seek gold when she lines up in the medal race at 6.18 pm (T&T time) at the Ath­let­ics Sta­di­um in the Na­tion­al Sport­ing Vil­lage.

Cain-Clax­ton has had much suc­cess at the in­ter­na­tion­al lev­el, win­ning bronze medals in the T44 100m at the 2015 IPC Ath­let­ics World Cham­pi­onships, 2016 Sum­mer Par­a­lympics and the 2017 World Para Ath­let­ics Cham­pi­onships.

On Wednes­day, she will line up in her sec­ond event - the 100m dash fi­nal at 6.01 pm.

Car­los Greene will al­so fea­ture this evening when he takes on nine oth­er com­peti­tors in the men’s dis­cus F11 fi­nal from 5.14 pm (T&T time).

Greene will be quite fa­mil­iar with the lev­el of com­pe­ti­tion he will face, hav­ing been com­pet­ing in the Par­a­lympics since 2008 but in an en­tire­ly dif­fer­ent sport, pow­er­lift­ing. He won the gold medal at the vi­su­al­ly-im­paired Pow­er­lift­ing World Cham­pi­onship that year.

He will be aim­ing for sim­i­lar suc­cess in the dis­cus F11 event as well as the shot put F11, which he com­petes in on Wednes­day start­ing at 5.43 pm.

T&T’s oth­er field ath­lete, Akeem Stew­art, will open ac­tion at the Games on Tues­day in the men’s dis­cus F64 from 5.17 pm and Wednes­day he will look to come good in the javelin F64 event.

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