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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Calypso Girls to open against England at Commonwealth Games


Rachael Thompson-King
1116 days ago
T&T goal-defence Aniecia Baptiste in action against Jamaica during the opening clash of a three-match series at the National Indoor Sports Centre in Kingston, Jamaica in October 2021. T&T fell to a 71-22 defeat. (Courtesy Netball Jamaica)

T&T goal-defence Aniecia Baptiste in action against Jamaica during the opening clash of a three-match series at the National Indoor Sports Centre in Kingston, Jamaica in October 2021. T&T fell to a 71-22 defeat. (Courtesy Netball Jamaica)

Netball Jamaica

The "Ca­lyp­so Girls" will open the net­ball com­pe­ti­tion at the Com­mon­wealth Games against host Eng­land on Ju­ly 29 at the Na­tion­al Ex­hi­bi­tion Cen­tre in Birm­ing­ham.

The full sched­ule for the event was an­nounced on Fri­day, fol­low­ing on World Net­ball and the Com­mon­wealth Games Fed­er­a­tion's an­nounce­ment of the fi­nal six qual­i­fiers for the Birm­ing­ham 2022 Com­mon­wealth Games

T&T, ranked num­ber 10, was among the fi­nal six teams to qual­i­fy for the event, due to the World Net­ball (WN) World Rank­ing po­si­tion as of Jan­u­ary 31. The oth­ers were Ugan­da (No 7), Scot­land (No 8), Wales (No 9), North­ern Ire­land (No 11) and Bar­ba­dos (No 12).

They joined WN ranked num­ber one-ranked Aus­tralia, New Zealand (No 2), reign­ing Com­mon­wealth Games cham­pi­on Eng­land (No 3), Ja­maica (No 4), South Africa (No 5) and Malawi (No 6), who were an­nounced as the first six qual­i­fiers in Oc­to­ber 2021 ac­cord­ing to their rank­ing po­si­tions as of Ju­ly 31, 2021.

The teams were split in­to two pools with T&T and the host coun­try, New Zealand, Malawi, Ugan­da and North­ern Ire­land fea­tur­ing in Group B while in Group A are Aus­tralia, Ja­maica, South Africa, Scot­land, Wales and Bar­ba­dos.

Each pool plays five pre­lim­i­nary match­es against the oth­er teams in their pool, re­ceiv­ing two points for a win, one point for a draw and ze­ro for a loss. The top two teams in each pool qual­i­fy for the se­mi-fi­nals. The re­main­ing teams will com­pete in play-offs to de­ter­mine each team’s fi­nal plac­ing on Au­gust 5.

The semi­fi­nals are sched­uled for Au­gust 6. The gold/sil­ver fi­nal and the bronze medal play-off is set for Au­gust 7.

With­in the pre­lim­i­nary rounds match­es may end in a draw, how­ev­er, in the medal and plac­ing match­es, a re­sult must be de­ter­mined. These match­es may go in­to two pe­ri­ods of ex­tra time to de­ter­mine a win­ner, ac­cord­ing to World Net­ball rules.

Ugan­da will be the "Ca­lyp­so Girls' op­po­nent in their sec­ond match on Ju­ly 31, two days lat­er they meet New Zealand and the fol­low­ing day against Malawi, clos­ing out round one play against North­ern Ire­land on Au­gust 4.

The oth­er match­es on the open­ing day of play pit Aus­tralia against Caribbean neigh­bour Bar­ba­dos "Gem", Ja­maica "Sun­shine Girls" ver­sus Wales, and New Zealand against North­ern Ire­land.

T&T sched­ule

Ju­ly 29 vs Eng­land

Ju­ly 31 vs Ugan­da

Aug 2 vs New Zealand

Aug 3 vs Malawi

Aug 4 vs North­ern Ire­land


Group A: Aus­tralia, Ja­maica, South Africa, Scot­land, Wales, Bar­ba­dos

Group B: New Zealand, Eng­land, Malawi, Ugan­da, T&T, North­ern Ire­land

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