Carter swims to 2nd CAC gold in record time - Trinidad Guardian Trinidad and Tobago Guardian Online

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Carter swims to 2nd CAC gold in record time


Nigel Simon
567 days ago
T&T’s Dylan Carter

T&T’s Dylan Carter

Jae C. Hong

Two-time Olympian Dy­lan Carter swam to his sec­ond in­di­vid­ual gold medal and T&T’s fourth medal over­all when he re­peat­ed as cham­pi­on of the men’s 50 me­tres but­ter­fly A-fi­nal at the Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean (CAC) Games, con­tin­ued in San­to Domin­go, El Sal­vador, on Tues­day.

The race was orig­i­nal­ly card­ed for Mon­day night but due to bad weath­er was post­poned un­til mid­day Tues­day.

How­ev­er, the de­lay played no neg­a­tive ef­fect on the T&T swim­ming ace as he stormed to vic­to­ry in a new Games record time of 23.32 sec­onds, to low­er his gold medal-win­ning time of 23.50 in Bar­ran­quil­la, Colom­bia, five years ago.

Aruban Mikel Schreud­ers took the sil­ver medal in 23.90 while Mex­i­co’s An­dres Dupont se­cured the bronze medal in 24.19.

The oth­er fin­ish­ers in the gold medal splash were Venezuela’s Jorge Otaiza (24.21), Mex­i­co’s Jorge Iga (24.40), St Lu­cian Jay­han Od­lum-Smith (24.71), Cu­ba’s En­rique Gon­za­lez (24.72) and Colom­bian Es­naider Reales in 24.74.

On Mon­day morn­ing, when the heats swam off, Carter won the fourth and fi­nal heat in 24.04 to be the sec­ond fastest qual­i­fi­er over­all, with Dupont sec­ond in the heat in 24.30 and Ba­hami­an Lamar Tay­lor, third in 24.96.

Schreud­ers won heat two in the top qual­i­fi­ca­tion time of 23.88 while Reales was sec­ond in 24.62 to se­cure the eighth and fi­nal spot in the A-fi­nal with Venezue­lan Perez, third in 24.97 and qual­i­fy­ing for the B-fi­nal.

In heat three, Otaiza raced home in 24.16 fol­lowed by Iga in 24.34, Gon­za­les of Cu­ba in 24.42, and Od­lum-Smith in 24.58, the sev­enth-best over­all, while T&T’s Zarek Wil­son was fifth in 24.88 for the ninth spot and just shy of a spot in the gold medal splash to qual­i­fy to the B-fi­nal.

In the B-fi­nal, Wil­son fin­ished third in 25.21 to trail Tay­lor (24.23) and Perez (24.92).

On Sat­ur­day, Carter won gold in the men’s s 100m freestyle in a new meet record of 48.49 sec­onds to keep hold of his ti­tle while al­so bet­ter­ing his 2018 win­ning time of 48.95 from Bar­ran­quil­la, Colom­bia.

And on Sun­day night, the 4x100m men’s freestyle re­lay quar­tet of Carter, Gra­ham Cha­toor, Nikoli Black­man and Wil­son picked up bronze in three min­utes and 22.33 sec­onds, a new na­tion­al record, to al­so re­peat the feat of five years ago in Colom­bia when the T&T quar­tet of Carter, Jabari Bap­tiste, David Mc Leod and Joshua Ro­many clocked 3:23.83.

Nigel Paul, 34, earned T&T’s oth­er medal, a bronze when he was beat­en in his men’s s +92 kg semi­fi­nal by Cuban Fer­nan­do Ar­zo­la 5-0 at the El Sal­vador Min­istry of For­eign Af­fairs Com­plex on Mon­day.

Al­so on Tues­day morn­ing, Cha­toor and Black­man qual­i­fied for the 400m freestyle A-fi­nal to be con­test­ed lat­er on.

In the morn­ing heats, Cha­toor topped heat three in 4:05.82 fol­lowed by Hon­duran Diego Dulieu (4:05.90 mins), Colom­bian Juan Morales (4:06.05), Black­man (4:06.37) and Puer­to Ri­co’s Chris­t­ian Bayo (4:06.60) as the quin­tet all ad­vanced to the fi­nal.

Mex­i­co’s Jose Cano topped heat two in 3:59.05, the on­ly swim­mer to go un­der the four min­utes mark to be the top qual­i­fi­er while Colom­bian Se­bas­t­ian Ca­ma­cho (4:06.98) and Cuban Rodol­fo Fal­con (4:07.13) al­so qual­i­fied from the heat.

New­man-Achee sixth in women’s Gym­nas­tic

An­nalise New­man-Achee had an im­pres­sive sixth-placed fin­ish in the Women’s All-Round Gym­nas­tics with a to­tal score of 48.750 from her four dis­ci­plines.

This is af­ter New­man-Achee scored 12.850 on the vault, 12.350 on the un­even bars, 12.250 on the bal­ance beam and 11.300 on the floor ex­er­cise.

Pana­ma’s Kar­la Navas won gold with a score of 50.500 while Mex­i­co’s Alexa Moreno took sil­ver with 49.650, and Pana­ma’s Hillary So­to, the bronze with 49.450. Mex­i­can Na­talia Es­calera (49.400), and Venezue­lan Deb­o­rah Salmi­na (48.950) al­so fin­ished ahead of New­man-Achee.

Last night, New­man-Achee went af­ter in­di­vid­ual glo­ry in the eight-ath­lete women’s un­even bar fi­nals, while she is one of three re­serves for the women’s bal­ance beam fi­nals from 7.55 pm tonight

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