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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Commonwealth Youth Games inside $35M budget - Shamfa


560 days ago

The Com­mon­wealth Youth Games did not cross its $35 Mil­lion bud­get, says Sports Min­is­ter Sham­fa Cud­joe. She was at the time field­ing ques­tions from the me­dia dur­ing the fi­nal news con­fer­ence for the CYG at the Pi­geon Point Her­itage Park on Fri­day.

Cud­joe said “We gave the T&T Com­mon­wealth Games As­so­ci­a­tion (T&TC­GA) the full re­quest, they re­quest­ed $35 mil­lion and for this fis­cal year we al­lo­cat­ed $30 mil­lion and we have $5 mil­lion for the next fis­cal year since the games are hap­pen­ing at the end of the fis­cal year we ex­pect that some of the bills will go in­to next year hence the rea­son we kept that $5 mil­lion. so far the Com­mon­wealth Game As­so­ci­a­tion hasn’t used up its full $30 mil­lion yet.” Cud­joe said the TTC­GA should sub­mit the re­main­der of its bills by the end of the month.

She said, “The TTC­GA has op­er­at­ed with­in bud­get and there is an­oth­er $5 mil­lion to come in the next fis­cal year for what­ev­er is left over.”

Cud­joe added that the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um was re­fur­bished not as part of the CYG but to pro­mote ath­let­ics in T&T and to host oth­er games and Carif­ta in 2025.

Mean­while, Far­ley Au­gus­tine, the Chief Sec­re­tary of the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly said the is­land is rich­er and bet­ter for the CYG. He said a beach sports are­na was cre­at­ed for the games at Black Rock and it is the first and on­ly of its kind in the re­gion.

On Thurs­day, T&T’s con­tin­gent closed out the six-day pro­gramme with four medals Makaira Wal­lace won a sil­ver and bronze medal, and Syn­del Sama­roo, a bronze as the duo com­bined to add three medals and the quar­tet of Sanaa Fred­er­ick, Tre­vaughn Stew­art, Solè Fred­er­ick and Ja­mario Rus­sell, earned T&T’s lone medal on the track.

The host end­ed with 15 medals (4 gold, 5 sil­ver and 6 bronze) for an im­pres­sive sev­enth place on the medal ta­ble which saw 26 of the 70 coun­tries that par­tic­i­pat­ed record medals.

T&T’s swim­mer Nikoli Black­man won three of the four gold medals when he won the men’s 50m, 100m and 200 me­tres freestyle events.

The 18-year-old Black­man who leaves for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ten­nessee next week signed off from the CYG in his last meet on lo­cal soil by win­ning the 50 me­tres event in a time of 22.36 sec­onds to lead a Caribbean sweep of the event with Ba­hami­an Mar­vin John­son Jr, tak­ing sil­ver in 22.54, and 18-year-old Wil­son, who al­so heads off to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Al­aba­ma, third in 22.95.

All four gold medals came from swim­ming with Zarek Wil­son win­ning the 100m but­ter­fly con­test on Tues­day in a new games record time of 53.70 sec­onds which bet­tered the 2017 mark of 53.87 set in the Ba­hamas by Lewis Fras­er of Wales.

T&T fi­nal CYG 2023 medal count


Nikoli Black­man (swim­ming): men’s 200m freestyle

Nikoli Black­man (swim­ming): men’s 100m freestyle

Zarek Wil­son (swim­ming): men’s 100m but­ter­fly

Nikoli Black­man (swim­ming): men’s 50m freestyle


Janae De Gannes (ath­let­ics): women’s long jump

Zarek Wil­son (swim­ming): men’s 50m back­stroke

Syn­del Sama­roo (cy­cling): men’s Match Sprint

Jai­di James (ath­let­ics): men’s high jump

Makaira Wal­lace (cy­cling): women’s keirin


Sanaa Fred­er­ick (ath­let­ics): women’s 100m

Danell James (cy­cling) men’s Match Sprint

Zarek Wil­son (swim­ming): men’s 50m freestyle

Makaira Wal­lace (cy­cling): women’s 500m Time Tri­al

Syn­del Sama­roo (cy­cling): men’s keirin

Sanaa Fred­er­ick, Tre­vaughn Stew­art, Sole Fred­er­ick, Ja­mario Rusell (ath­let­ics): 4x100 me­tres Mixed Re­lay



2. Eng­land*16*20*10*46

3. Scot­land*12*11*5*28

4. South Africa*6*6*7*19

5. Kenya*5*4*0*9

6. Nige­ria*5*2*0*7

7. T&T*4*5*6*14

8. North­ern Ire­land*4*2*2*8

9. Wales*3*6*6*15

10. Cay­man Is­lands*2*1*3*6

11. Cana­da*2*1*0*3

12. Ja­maica*2*0*2*4

13. Jer­sey*1*2*2*5

13. Malaysia*1*2*2*5

15. Guyana*1*1*1*3

16. New Zealand*0*3*6*9

17. Ba­hamas*0*2*2*4

17. In­dia*0*2*2*4

19. Fi­ji*0*1*2*3

19. Ugan­da*0*1*2*3

21. Sri Lan­ka*0*1*1*2

22. Bar­ba­dos*0*0*2*2

22. Isle of Man*0*0*2*2

22. St Lu­cia*0*0*2*2

22. Namib­ia*0*0*2*2

26. An­tigua & Bar­bu­da*0*0*1*1

26. Cyprus*0*0*1*1

26. Grena­da*0*0*1*1

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