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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Cox Coaching School play unbeaten in Spain


Sport Desk
321 days ago
Cox Coaching School players pose for a team photo prior to one of their matches on their tour to Alicante, Spain, hosted by Intercity FC.

Cox Coaching School players pose for a team photo prior to one of their matches on their tour to Alicante, Spain, hosted by Intercity FC.

Courtesy Cox Coaching School

Mem­bers of the Cox Coach­ing School of Beach Camp, Pa­lo Seco, re­turned home on April 9 from a ten-day tour of Al­i­cante, Spain, as guests of Club de Fut­bol In­ter­ci­ty FC.

Club de Fút­bol In­ter­ci­ty is a Span­ish foot­ball team based in Al­i­cante, in the Va­len­cian Com­mu­ni­ty, and plays in Primera Fed­eración—Group Two, hold­ing home match­es at the Es­ta­dio An­to­nio Solana, with a ca­pac­i­ty of 2,000 spec­ta­tors.

The Cox Coach­ing School left here on Fri­day, March 29, and up­on ar­rival in Spain, their first day as a guest at the train­ing camp with In­ter­ci­ty FC pro­fes­sion­al coach­es, they were the bene­fac­tors of Span­ish class­es fol­lowed by train­ing ses­sions in­clu­sive of tech­ni­cal, and tac­ti­cal, in­jury pre­ven­tion and goal­keep­ing train­ing ses­sions all con­duct­ed by In­ter­ci­ty pro­fes­sion­al coach­es, be­fore the evening end­ed with a trip down­town Al­i­cante Cen­ter.

The Cox Coach­ing School play­ers were al­so guests at two match­es, the first fea­tur­ing lo­cal play­er Se­bas­t­ian James lin­ing up with Club Playas de Al­i­cante Cadete against An­to­nio Solana, which end­ed in a 5-1 vic­to­ry in favour of Playas de Al­i­cante Cadete.

In the sec­ond en­counter, T&T Un­der-20 play­er Der­rel Gar­cia fea­tured with club CD El Campel­lo in a 2-2 draw with El Vin­cle.

Cox Coach­ing School then opened their cam­paign with a 4-2 vic­to­ry over Ju­ve­nil A CFI Al­i­cante with Gar­cia scor­ing twice for the win­ners and Eli­jah David, and Key­sean Haynes, the oth­ers.

Ac­cord­ing to coach Den­nis Cox, the en­counter was a tough bat­tle be­tween both sides with CFI 2-1 ahead at the half-time in­ter­val be­fore James and Gar­cia were in­tro­duced in the 50th minute, changes which turned the match around in their favour.

And in their fi­nal match with In­ter­ci­ty Un­der-19s, the host led 1-0 be­fore they dou­bled their ad­van­tage on the hour mark. But, sim­i­lar to the first match, Gar­cia and James were then in­tro­duced and once again they changed the game with the for­mer scor­ing a dou­ble in the 76th, and 84th min­utes to earn his team a 2-2 draw.

Mean­while, Cox Coach­ing School in con­junc­tion with USA-based Is­land Ge­net­ics Sports will be stag­ing a one-day foot­ball tour­na­ment at Cox Coach­ing School, Beach Camp, Pa­lo Seco, on Sun­day, April 21 from 10 am to 5 pm for boys and girls be­tween the ages of 14 to 17 years old.

The tour­na­ment will al­low the play­ers to be scout­ed by coach­es from the USA’s Mas­ters School with the view to se­cur­ing ath­let­ic schol­ar­ships.

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