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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Craig helps Five Rivers win title


Rachael Thompson-King
1930 days ago
Five Rivers Secondary School football team’s Shania Fuentes, from left back row, Anastasia Sobers, Kerri Ann Quamina, Jada Hospedales, Janella Walcott, Daniella Harrycharran, Melanie Borneo, Salena Hospedales, Shania Jordan, Kayla Baboolal (captain), and in front from left, Maleka Mitchell, Nicole Alleyne, Luann Craig, Ximara Daniel, Makeba Morang, Kayla Kennedy and Letisha Morang pose with the championship trophy after defeating Holy Name Convent Port-of-Spain, 8-0 in the Malta Girls Under-15 Division (Trinidad) final at the Bishop Anstey High East ground in Trincity, on Tuesday.

Five Rivers Secondary School football team’s Shania Fuentes, from left back row, Anastasia Sobers, Kerri Ann Quamina, Jada Hospedales, Janella Walcott, Daniella Harrycharran, Melanie Borneo, Salena Hospedales, Shania Jordan, Kayla Baboolal (captain), and in front from left, Maleka Mitchell, Nicole Alleyne, Luann Craig, Ximara Daniel, Makeba Morang, Kayla Kennedy and Letisha Morang pose with the championship trophy after defeating Holy Name Convent Port-of-Spain, 8-0 in the Malta Girls Under-15 Division (Trinidad) final at the Bishop Anstey High East ground in Trincity, on Tuesday.

Lu­ann Craig put on a grand per­for­mance to lift Five Rivers Sec­ondary School to the Mal­ta Girls Un­der-15 Di­vi­sion Trinidad ti­tle in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League.

She sank three goals and helped the East Zone U-15 win­ner Five Rivers de­feat Holy Name Con­vent Port-of-Spain, 8-0 in the fi­nal played at the Bish­op Anstey East ground in Trinci­ty, on Tues­day.

Craig's team­mates al­so pro­duced fan­tas­tic show­ings with cap­tain Kay­la Ba­boolal and Sha­nia Jor­dan each scor­ing a dou­ble while Letisha Morang, net­ted the oth­er item for the cham­pi­on for Five Rivers coached by De­siree Sargeant. Man­ag­er Sylvester San­di­ford sang their prais­es for a job well done by both play­ers and coach­es.

He said, "We start­ed four years ago with our U-19 team. Coach De­siree Sargeant came from St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary and since she reached Fire Rivers Sec­ondary, it has just been up­ward mo­bil­i­ty since. We got pro­mot­ed to Cham­pi­onships two years ago where we came sec­ond last year then we won the In­ter­col.

"This year coach De­siree's plan was to see if we could have won all four East Zone ti­tles and so far she has ac­com­plished three. To­mor­row (to­day) please God, we're go­ing to try to see if we get the fourth one and if we get the na­tion­al U-15 gIrls' ti­tle that would just be gravy on a won­der­ful lunch for the 2019 sea­son.

"Coach De­siree has been ex­cep­tion­al and our as­sis­tant coach Mergil Ros­ales and well me, the man­ag­er, we have worked with these girls. These girls have grown strength-to-strength. We have a cou­ple of ex­cep­tion­al play­ers on the team, again it's a team ef­fort. Yes, we have the likes of Kay­la Ba­boolal, the skip­per of the U-15 team al­so we have Maya Blanc, skip­per of the Cham­pi­onships team, we al­so have Sha­nia Jor­dan, Male­ka Morang, Lu­ann Craig, an ex­cep­tion­al strik­er and Ne­na Grant on the big team.

"We have a lot of things to work on and a lot of things to achieve al­so."

The Trinidad win­ner Five Rivers move on to meet To­ba­go cham­pi­on Sig­nal Hill for the na­tion­al ti­tle card­ed to be played next Thurs­day in To­ba­go. Sig­nal Hill topped the round-robin com­pe­ti­tion to face off for the na­tion­al ti­tle.

To­day the ac­tion on the field will un­fold at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Mal­abar, Ari­ma, with a dou­ble-head­er where the Boys' and Girls' East cham­pi­ons will be crowned in the Co­ca Co­la In­ter­col fi­nals.

San Juan North is hop­ing to sweep the ti­tles. In the open­ing match which kicks off at 1.30 pm, its girls' team will take on Five Rivers and lat­er, the boys' unit will be chal­lenged by St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary from 3.30 pm.

Stu­dents in school uni­form en­try are $20 while adults and stu­dents out of uni­form, $40.


Five Rivers 8 (Lu­ann Craig 3, Kay­la Ba­boolal 2, Sha­nia Jor­dan 2, Letisha Morang) vs Holy Name Con­vent 0.

Thurs­day's Match­es

East In­ter­col Fi­nals

Girls: Five Rivers vs San Juan North, 1.30 pm

Boys: San Juan North vs St Au­gus­tine, 3.30 pm


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