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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Cunupia FC's technology attracts UWI students


Walter Alibey
1886 days ago
UWI Cave Hill students Sherisse Crawford and Matthew Serrant during their visit to the Cunupia training field at the Prime Minister’s Park in Five Rivers, Arouca

UWI Cave Hill students Sherisse Crawford and Matthew Serrant during their visit to the Cunupia training field at the Prime Minister’s Park in Five Rivers, Arouca

Walter Alibey

T&T Pro League cam­paign­ers Cunu­pia FC re­cent­ly wel­comed Sherisse Craw­ford and Matthew Ser­rant, two stu­dents of the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies' Cave Hill cam­pus who are in­to the sec­ond year of their BSc Sports Sci­ence pro­gramme, to fur­ther their study on sports sci­ence.

On­ly re­cent­ly, the cen­tral club, the newest mem­ber of the Pro League, signed a five-year mem­o­ran­dum of un­der­stand­ing (MOU) with the Sports Sci­ence So­ci­ety at the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies' Cave Hill cam­pus in recog­ni­tion of the club's pi­o­neer­ing role in the use of ad­vanced sci­en­tif­ic tech­nol­o­gy on the foot­ball field.

Cunu­pia FC is present­ly the on­ly lo­cal foot­ball team in the coun­try and the Caribbean us­ing a per­for­mance mon­i­tor­ing and man­age­ment sys­tem, which al­lows for com­pre­hen­sive mea­sure­ments and cap­ture of vir­tu­al­ly all as­pects of foot­ball play­ers on-field ac­tiv­i­ty. This gives coach­es and oth­er tech­ni­cal staff mem­bers an in­sight in­to play­ers' strengths and weak­ness.

It al­so, with ob­jec­tive da­ta, al­lows staff to con­tin­u­ous­ly as­sess train­ing pro­grammes and match sta­tis­tics.

The agree­ment was ini­ti­at­ed by Trey Hart, the as­sis­tant coach at Cunu­pia FC, who is the hold­er of a BSC in Sports Sci­ence from the Cave Hill cam­pus.

On Thurs­day, Cunu­pia coach Michael De Four said he sees the MOU as a huge step­ping stone to­wards the en­hance­ment of sport lo­cal­ly and through­out the Caribean.

Hart praised De Four and Taahir Bul­bu­lia, pres­i­dent of the Sports Sci­ence So­ci­ety, for their dili­gent work through­out the process.

The aim is to give hands-on ex­pe­ri­ence in­to a pro­fes­sion­al sport and show­case to stu­dents the pos­i­tive im­pact of en­com­pass­ing Sci­ence in sport and the mea­sur­able im­prove­ments it sup­ports.

The club, in on­ly its first for­ay in the coun­try's top-flight foot­ball com­pe­ti­tion, broke two key records by win­ning their first four match­es and qual­i­fy­ing for the semi­fi­nals of the First Cit­i­zens Cup last year. And in the on­go­ing T&T Pro League, De Four in­tends to spring more sur­pris­es.

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