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Sunday, March 2, 2025

David salutes Soca Warriors professional performance


264 days ago
T&T Soca Warriors' captain Aubrey David, centre, congratulates striker Malcolm Shaw, right, on his goal while Duance Muckette, left, joins in the celebration during their 7-1 win over Bahamas in their second match in Group B of the Second Round of FIFA CONCACAF World Cup Qualifiers at the St Kitts and Nevis Football Association Technical Centre, Basseterre on Saturday night.

T&T Soca Warriors' captain Aubrey David, centre, congratulates striker Malcolm Shaw, right, on his goal while Duance Muckette, left, joins in the celebration during their 7-1 win over Bahamas in their second match in Group B of the Second Round of FIFA CONCACAF World Cup Qualifiers at the St Kitts and Nevis Football Association Technical Centre, Basseterre on Saturday night.

Courtesy TTFA Media

T&T So­ca War­riors cap­tain Aubrey David has salut­ed his team's pro­fes­sion­al per­for­mance in their 7-1 spank­ing of Ba­hamas in their sec­ond match in Group B of the Sec­ond Round of FI­FA CON­CA­CAF World Cup Qual­i­fiers at the St Kitts and Nevis Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion Tech­ni­cal Cen­tre, Bas­seterre on Sat­ur­day night.

Cana­di­an-born Cav­al­ry FC strik­er Mal­colm Shaw and Du­ane Muck­ette of lo­cal cham­pi­ons AC Port-of-Spain scored two goals each in the win with Alvin Jones (penal­ty), Re­on Moore and Nathaniel James al­so get­ting on the score­sheet.

With the win, the So­ca War­riors who drew their open­ing qual­i­fi­er with Grena­da 2-2 at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo, Port-of-Spain on Wednes­day night moved to four points from two match­es, one ahead of Cos­ta Ri­ca who crushed St Kitts & Nevis 4-0 on Thurs­day and came up against Grena­da yes­ter­day in St George's.

Com­ment­ing on his team's vic­to­ry their biggest since a 9-0 trounc­ing of Bar­ba­dos at Mu­cu­rapo in 2022, the 33-year-old who has fea­tured 82 times for T&T said, "I think it was a good per­for­mance by the boys, it was a pro­fes­sion­al per­for­mance and it doesn't mat­ter the op­po­nent."

He added, "We knew we need­ed goals be­cause maybe at the end of the cam­paign, it can come down to goal dif­fer­ence, so our plan was to come out and try and get as much goals as pos­si­ble.

"And I think the boys re­act­ed well to that and the on­ly bad point was the goal that we con­ced­ed which we are dis­ap­point­ed in as de­fend­ers, but in gen­er­al I think it was a pro­fes­sion­al per­for­mance by the guys."

Be­fore restart­ing their 2026 CON­CA­CAF FI­FA World Cup qual­i­fy­ing cam­paign next June, the So­ca War­riors will start their CON­CA­CAF Na­tions League League A group se­ries in Sep­tem­ber in Group B with Ja­maica, Hon­duras, Cu­ba, Nicaragua and French Guiana. The So­ca War­riors will open their League A cam­paign ver­sus Hon­duras on Sep­tem­ber 6 be­fore host­ing French Guiana on Sep­tem­ber 10 fol­lowed by home-and-away en­coun­ters against Cu­ba on Oc­to­ber 10 away, and then at home on Mon­day, Oc­to­ber 14.

From the two groups of six teams which will play in a “Swiss style” league sys­tem, with each team play­ing a to­tal of four games (two at home and two away), the first and sec­ond-place fin­ish­ers of each group will ad­vance to the quar­ter­fi­nals, where they will join the four top-ranked League A teams (Mex­i­co, USA, Pana­ma, and Cana­da).

Look­ing ahead to the Na­tions League, an up­beat David of Cos­ta Ri­ca club CS Cartagines said his team­mates have to con­tin­ue to put in the work with the re­spec­tive clubs to im­prove.

"Now the guys have to go back to their var­i­ous clubs and the mes­sage is, go back to your clubs and strive and con­tin­ue im­prov­ing and stay­ing fit and play­ing at a top qual­i­ty be­cause we know that as long as we con­tin­ue to go high­er each and every one in­di­vid­u­al­ly when we come back as a team we will join and con­tin­ue to grow as a team well.

"So, it's now to go back to your clubs and con­tin­ue to keep push­ing and we will re­group in Sep­tem­ber to take on our Na­tions League game which is im­por­tant.

Cana­da-based strik­er Moore of Cana­da's Pa­cif­ic FC re­flect­ing on the match said, "It was im­por­tant that we stayed dis­ci­plined and it's kind of sim­ple for us be­cause we are all pro­fes­sion­als and I just think that we stuck to the plan and ex­e­cut­ed on the day."

The 27-year-old al­so ad­mit­ted that he has seen a growth in the lev­el of play both in­di­vid­u­al­ly and col­lec­tive­ly in the na­tion­al team in re­cent times.

He said, "Some of the growth I see in the guys is the con­fi­dence in the younger ones and every­one is help­ing each oth­er to im­prove day by day."

Look­ing ahead to fu­ture in­ter­na­tion­al match­es, Moore said he want­ed the T&T sup­port­ers to con­tin­ue to have faith in the team say­ing, "I just want the fans to con­tin­ue to sup­port us and con­tin­ue to be­lieve in us.

"We now go back to our clubs and the boys have to con­tin­ue work­ing hard and stay fit and sharp as well as there is al­ways room for im­prove­ment like in our build-up play, but like coach Eve al­ways say, 'the time is lim­it­ed and it's a bit dif­fi­cult, but we will im­prove def­i­nite­ly'."

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