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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Defence Force fails to march on in Concacaf Cup


514 days ago
Defence Force FC’s Nathaniel Garcia, left, gets past Moca FC’s Michel Cardenas during the Concacaf Caribbean Cup at the Hasely Crawford Stadium onWednesday night in Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain.

Defence Force FC’s Nathaniel Garcia, left, gets past Moca FC’s Michel Cardenas during the Concacaf Caribbean Cup at the Hasely Crawford Stadium onWednesday night in Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain.

Daniel Prentice

De­fence Force cam­paign in the 2023 CON­CA­CAF Club Caribbean Cup has end­ed af­ter go­ing down 2-0 against Mo­ca FC of the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic at the Hasley Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo on Wednes­day night.

The mis­sion was sim­ple for the De­fence Force, to win and se­cure a spot in the semi­fi­nals of the tour­na­ment but the team stum­bled at the crit­i­cal stage need­ing all three points to ad­vance, while the vis­i­tors need­ed on­ly a draw to stay alive and se­cure the sec­ond spot in the group.

The 2023 T&T Pre­mier Foot­ball League (TTPFL) cham­pi­ons saw their sup­port­ers come out in their num­bers in what they hoped would be a reg­i­ment per­for­mance iden­ti­cal to teams of the past, the 1978 and 1987 who were crowned cham­pi­ons.

From the start, head coach Lloyd An­drews’ game plan was clear to take the game to the op­po­nents.

In do­ing so, the vis­i­tors soaked up all the pres­sure in the ear­ly ex­changes as they too had a plan and the host’s poor fin­ish­ing was play­ing right in­to their hands.

Af­ter 45 min­utes of steady pres­sure Mo­ca’s de­fence didn’t budge, and the teams went in­to the dress­ing room even­ly match at 0-0.

In the sec­ond pe­ri­od, the vis­i­tors no­ticed they could make it more dif­fi­cult for the sol­diers if they scored a goal and they amend­ed their game plan to seek the de­sired re­sult.

They found suc­cess in the 64th minute and what a cru­cial open­ing goal it was, a deep cross from Juan An­ge­les was ini­tial­ly de­flect­ed out by the host team’s de­fence and Mo­ca’s Gus­ta­vo As­cona was first to re­act to the loose ball, pok­ing home the fin­ish for an in­valu­able 1-0 lead while si­lenced the thou­sand-plus fans cheer­ing the Army/Coast guard com­bi­na­tion team.

The goals al­so ig­nit­ed the ur­gency lev­el of the Teteron unit which was not in the hunt for two goals.

Coach An­drews made five sub­sti­tu­tions try­ing to in­ject some form of life and fin­ish­ing with re­sults in the fi­nal third in­to his squad but all he got was half chances and wast­ed op­por­tu­ni­ties as the Mo­ca de­fence stood resoloute de­spite the con­stant at­tack on their goal.

As the time ticked away and re­al­i­ty be­gan to set it was Mo­ca, who ex­tend­ed its lead in­jury added on time when Ronal­do de Pe­na fin­ished off a coun­ter­at­tack af­ter a de­fen­sive slip-up to com­plete the 2-0 score­line ce­ment­ing their sec­ond-place fin­ish in the group on 9 points.

In re­sponse to his team’s per­for­mance coach An­drews said that he was dis­ap­point­ed that his guys didn’t get the vic­to­ry and that scor­ing nu­mer­ous goals in a sin­gle match has been plagu­ing them for the en­tire tour­na­ment. He con­tin­ued, that the one-all draw against Cav­a­liers FC of Ja­maica in their open­ing en­counter came back to haunt them for not tak­ing full points in that fix­ture.

He al­so dis­pelled claims that the sim­i­lar re­sult to lo­cal ri­vals AC Port-of-Spain was the rea­son they are now out of the com­pe­ti­tion.

De­fence Force fin­ished third in group A with five points while Gold­en Li­ons lies fourth with three, and AC Port-of-Spain fin­ished fifth with just one point. Mo­ca FC pro­gressed in sec­ond spot with nine points and Ja­maica’s Cav­a­liers FC topped the group with 10 points af­ter ham­mer­ing Li­ons 5-2 in their fi­nal group game.

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