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Sunday, March 2, 2025

EFA president Edwards to contest Super League presidency


Walter Alibey
1278 days ago
Keiron Edwards, president of the Eastern Football Association.

Keiron Edwards, president of the Eastern Football Association.

Ke­iron Ed­wards, the East­ern Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (EFA) pres­i­dent is giv­ing up his po­si­tion as pres­i­dent of the East­ern Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (EFA) to con­test the up­com­ing An­nu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing (AGM) and elec­tion of of­fi­cers of the T&T Su­per League, sched­uled for Sep­tem­ber 19.

Ed­wards, a mem­ber of EFA out­fit Mal­abar FC which com­pet­ed in the Su­per League back in 2012, 2013 and 2014, said he was asked to en­ter the Su­per League and as­sist in the progress of the com­pe­ti­tion and bring re­sources to the league, and he ac­cept­ed.

His en­try in­to the lead­er­ship con­test comes af­ter a pro­pos­al and a sec­ond­ment from two of the pow­er­ful Su­per League con­tenders, Ed­wards said, but he stopped short of re­veal­ing the names of the teams sup­port­ing him.

"I'm now putting to­geth­er a slate. It's not ful­ly fin­ished, we have a cou­ple more days to put to­geth­er the slate to run, but we're on the right track.

Four per­sons have al­ready been nom­i­nat­ed from the team and we're hop­ing to have the bal­ance next two days to con­test the elec­tions," Ed­wards ex­plained.

To date, on­ly Ryan Ot­t­ley, the De­fence Force foot­ball man­ag­er is down to con­test the po­si­tion of pres­i­dent as in­cum­bent Clay­ton Mor­ris has de­cid­ed not to seek re-elec­tion and Jame­son Rigues, the beat­en can­di­date in last No­vem­ber elec­tion al­so de­cid­ed not to con­test the po­si­tion.

The east­ern foot­ball boss is now equipped with a man­i­festo which he promis­es to share with the clubs clos­er to the nom­i­na­tion date, said to be 14 days be­fore the elec­tion date.

He told Guardian Me­dia Sports on Wednes­day that he has a clear vi­sion to move the Su­per League for­ward, Ed­wards, who ap­pears to have a clear path which has been made by the con­sti­tu­tions of both the EFA and the Su­per League said: "The con­sti­tu­tion gives way for on­ly ful­ly func­tion­al mem­bers of the Su­per League to pro­pose and sec­ond nom­i­na­tions and that was done by two clubs. The con­sti­tu­tion clear­ly speaks for the EFA in terms of how that process would hap­pen. There are no chal­lenges with that. There is a clear process and we will fol­low the con­sti­tu­tion. We are al­ways guid­ed by the con­sti­tu­tion which gov­erns the sport. There is a con­sti­tu­tion here in the EFA and we will be guid­ed by that too."

Ot­t­ley, two weeks ago said he will con­firm his can­di­da­cy in the com­ing days. Ed­wards said his fo­cus is not on Ot­t­ley or who­ev­er else throws their hat in­to the ring, but rather the short­com­ings of the league and its in­abil­i­ty to progress.

Known to be out­spo­ken on a num­ber of foot­ball-re­lat­ed is­sues, in­clud­ing the Unit­ed TTFA and FI­FA court bat­tle last year, Ed­wards said he will leave his case up to the Su­per League mem­ber­ship to de­cide.

Ed­wards said that the EFA ex­ec­u­tive has giv­en him the clear­ance to con­test the Su­per League pres­i­den­cy, and he promis­es that is­sues of club reg­is­tra­tion and com­pli­ance which have haunt­ed clubs for many years will be a thing of the past if he's elect­ed.

"The whole is­sue of reg­is­tra­tion for clubs is a ma­jor is­sue or tour­na­ment fees. The first thing I would do if I'm vic­to­ri­ous would be to ac­quire sup­port and spon­sor­ship to re­move reg­is­tra­tion for the next four years, so that would be one ease up. Usu­al­ly, clubs would pay be­tween $35,000 to $50,000 to reg­is­ter for the Su­per League, which will be no more. So clubs would be start­ing by keep­ing $35,000 to $50,000 in their cof­fers im­me­di­ate­ly. The next thing is the is­sue of com­pli­ance. Through­out the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion, there is an is­sue when it comes to com­pli­ance. And be­ing part of the east zone we would have been one of the few zones that would have had per­sons con­nect­ed to the FI­FA con­nect sys­tem, and that is where we re­al­ly suf­fer as a na­tion when it comes to play­ing foot­ball, and that is be­ing com­pli­ant. The Su­per League has had its own is­sues when it comes to com­pli­ance, there are a num­ber of clubs sus­pend­ed right now be­cause of com­pli­ance.

Com­pli­ance nor­mal­ly hap­pens at the end of March, so we will en­gage a team every year in Feb­ru­ary to as­sess and deal with com­pli­ance, prob­a­bly get au­di­tors, get per­sons to do sem­i­nars with clubs, walk them through the process and make sure that all clubs play­ing in the SL are com­pli­ant.

We will al­so treat with the is­sue of en­sur­ing that clubs cre­ate rev­enue. We need to cre­ate rev­enue streams with­in foot­ball, whether it's via tele­vi­sion, via spon­sor­ship of uni­forms, so that clubs can start off the league. If clubs could have $20, 000- $30, 000 based on play­ing in the league, we will have a more self-suf­fi­cient league," Ed­wards con­clud­ed.

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