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Monday, March 3, 2025

Fire Service netballers sweep ASNL


2533 days ago
Jameela McCarthy, centre back row, with her Fire teammates, Sue Ann Cordner, Ayana Hamlet, Shellie-Ann Williams, Onella Jack. Front row: Garbrel Selman, Simone Morgan, Candice Guerero and Fiona Holder, who won the Steve Sargeant Challenge, a knockout competition for teams in the Premiership Division, in the Courts All Sectors Netball League on Monday night at the Centre of Excellence in Macoya.

Jameela McCarthy, centre back row, with her Fire teammates, Sue Ann Cordner, Ayana Hamlet, Shellie-Ann Williams, Onella Jack. Front row: Garbrel Selman, Simone Morgan, Candice Guerero and Fiona Holder, who won the Steve Sargeant Challenge, a knockout competition for teams in the Premiership Division, in the Courts All Sectors Netball League on Monday night at the Centre of Excellence in Macoya.

CA-images/Allan Crane

Fire Ser­vice were lit­er­al­ly on fire all sea­son, to close the Courts All Sec­tors Net­ball League as the most suc­ces­ful team, sweep­ing all ti­tles that were up for grabs in the Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion.

On Mon­day night, led by goal-shoot­er Jameela Mc­Carthy, Fire grabbed the Steve Sargeant Chal­lenge (SSC) tro­phy at the Cen­tre of Ex­cel­lence, to add to its Pre­mier­ship league ti­tle sealed on Sat­ur­day at the Mal­oney In­door Sports Are­na and the Di­vi­sion­al Knock­out crown, won last week.

"We want­ed to win every­thing," said goal-at­tack Si­mone Mor­gan, a for­mer na­tion­al play­er. "We ex­ceed­ed all ex­pec­ta­tions thanks to the ladies, who left it all on the court and came out with all the ti­tles."

Mor­gan gave great sup­port to Mc­Carthy, the goal-shoot­er, who net­ted 24 goals from 36 tries to lead Fire past the Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T (UTT), 29-20 in the SSC fi­nal af­ter re­turn­ing scores of 54 goals from 70 at­tempts to see Fire to a huge 67-14 win over the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies (UWI) in their fi­nal league match, two days ear­li­er.

Mor­gan was vi­tal in both wins, feed­ing her shoot­er the ball while con­nect­ing five off six in the 20-minute a half com­pe­ti­tion ver­sus UTT and against UWI, con­nect­ing 13 in 24 in the lop­sided vic­to­ry.

"It was a re­lief be­cause we worked so hard for the win," said Mor­gan af­ter Mon­day's tri­umph.

In the SSC fi­nale, UTT coached by for­mer na­tion­al coach and play­er Brid­get Adams jumped to an ear­ly lead 5-2 lead thanks to the shoot­ing com­bi­na­tion of Anas­tas­cia Wil­son (11/16)and Aquila Blugh. How­ev­er, Fire, which was with­out a coach on the bench, fought back and lev­elled the scores at six.

Again UTT went on a run and got its biggest lead in the match, 12-7 with 5.05 to go in the half. Fire though man­aged to chip away at that lead and trailed on­ly by two (14-12) at half-time.

Sec­ond-half was a whole new ball game as the Fire unit did away its deficit to tie the scores again at 14. The ex­change of goals con­tin­ued for the next five min­utes un­til Fire went up by two (18-16) with 13.55 re­main­ing on the clock.

For­ti­fied by a de­fen­sive squad that in­clud­ed goal-keep­er Gar­brel Sel­man, goal-de­fence Afeisha Noel, who is usu­al­ly used on the shoot­ing end, and wing-de­fence Fiona Hold­er, Fire was able to hold UTT to 16 goals for four min­utes while the cen­tre-court of Can­dice Guerero (cen­tre) and wing-at­tack Onel­la Jack, nor­mal­ly in a de­fen­sive bib, were use­ful in get­ting the ball down to the of­fen­sive end.

"We need­ed a stronger front court be­cause most of our at­tack­ers had in­juries, " said Mor­gan. "So we moved Onel­la up to help bring the ball and we need­ed Afeisha's long arms and safe hands to get re­bounds. Both did an out­stand­ing job."

With four min­utes left in the half, UTT again tried to make a run and came with­in five goals (25-20) but Fire pulled away again to claim the sev­en-goal vic­to­ry.

"We were play­ing their game in the first half and strug­gled," said Mor­gan. "We played our game in the sec half and got the win."

Dou­ble Elim­i­na­tion Knock­out com­pe­ti­tions

Ear­li­er, the Dou­ble Elim­i­na­tion knock­out win­ners in both the Cham­pi­onship and Al­ter­na­tive di­vi­sions were de­cid­ed.

The Cham­pi­onship cat­e­go­ry was com­pet­i­tive as ex­pect­ed but it was Bermudez be­ing crowned the cham­pi­on. In the fi­nal, the Bermudez team topped Po­lice, 22-14, thanks to Make­da De Fre­itas (13/19) and In­dra An­der­son (9/13).

In the Al­ter­na­tive fi­nal, Fire with shoot­ing from Chelsea Dele­cia (5/12) and Sha­nia Williams (9/12) eased past UWI, 14-6 in the ti­tle match.

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