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Monday, March 3, 2025

Garcia’s brace leads St Benedict’s past Siparia West


114 days ago
FILE - St Benedict’s College’s Adam Pierre, right, celebrates his goal with Derrel Garcia against Presentation College San Fernando during the SSFL Premiership top of the table match at the Mannie Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella, last month. Yesterday, Garcia scored a double in St Benedict’s College’s 2-0 win over Siparia West in the Coca-Cola South Zone Intercol.

FILE - St Benedict’s College’s Adam Pierre, right, celebrates his goal with Derrel Garcia against Presentation College San Fernando during the SSFL Premiership top of the table match at the Mannie Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella, last month. Yesterday, Garcia scored a double in St Benedict’s College’s 2-0 win over Siparia West in the Coca-Cola South Zone Intercol.

Daniel Prentice

Der­rel Gar­cia con­tin­ued to grab the head­lines in this year’s Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League when he got both goals to lead St Bene­dict’s Col­lege to a 2-0 win over Siparia West Sec­ondary in their South Zone Co­ca-Co­la In­ter­col quar­ter­fi­nal at Ma­haica Sport­ing Com­plex, Point Fortin, Fri­day.

Al­so yes­ter­day, the SS­FL gen­er­al sec­re­tary Aza­ad Mo­hammed-Khan is­sued a state­ment to the me­dia sur­round­ing Gar­cia’s bona fide sta­tus at St Bene­dict’s Col­lege which stat­ed that the mat­ter has been re­ferred to the Dis­ci­pli­nary Com­mit­tee of the league, which will meet on Thurs­day, No­vem­ber 14 at 10 am with their cre­den­tials as league cham­pi­ons un­der ques­tion along with any pos­si­ble fur­ther sanc­tions in­clu­sive of be­ing thrown out of the rest of this year’s SS­FL com­pe­ti­tions.

How­ev­er, Gar­cia seemed to not let the off-field is­sues be of both­er as he scored both items to steer St Bene­dict’s Col­lege to a semi­fi­nal date on Fri­day, No­vem­ber 15 at Point Fortin with Pleas­antville Sec­ondary, who ham­mered Rio Claro West Sec­ondary 5-0 at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la, pow­ered by a hat-trick from Je­lani Richards, and one each from En­e­sio Williams and Ah­jahi­di No­ray.

In the Cen­tral Zone quar­ter­fi­nals, Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary won by de­fault from Cou­va East Sec­ondary and will come up against Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary in the semi­fi­nals on Mon­day at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um, Cou­va, af­ter the lat­ter got a goal each from Is­rael Out­ar, Ne­gaste Moore, and Je­re­mi­ah Vil­lafana to shut out Cou­va West Sec­ondary at Ed­in­burgh 500 Recre­ation Ground, Ch­agua­nas.

Up North, Mal­ick Sec­ondary blanked St Mary’s Col­lege 2-0 with a goal each from Ronald­in­ho Richards, and Josante Dun­can at Fa­ti­ma Col­lege Ground, Mu­cu­rapo Road and will next face Fa­ti­ma Col­lege on Thurs­day in the fi­nal four.

Al­so yes­ter­day, Queen’s Roy­al Col­lege got a goal each from Ja­sai Theophilus, and Phillip Gray in a 2-1 win over East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary at St Mary’s Col­lege Ground, St Clair with Jalane Brown on tar­get for the losers.

In the first match of the East Zone quar­ter­fi­nals dou­ble-head­er, na­tion­al se­nior team play­er Lin­dell Sween helped him­self to a hat-trick in lead­ing San Juan North Sec­ondary to a 6-0 romp over Va­len­cia Sec­ondary.

The trio of Jadiel Joseph, Jahdel Chase-Charles and Ja­heshua Fer­gu­son added the oth­ers for San Juan North who will meet the win­ners of last night’s sec­ond match be­tween St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary and El Do­ra­do East Sec­ondary in Wednes­day’s semi­fi­nals.

Fri­day’s SS­FL Co­ca-Co­la Boys In­ter-Col re­sults

Zon­al Quar­ter­fi­nals:


Cara­pichaima East 3 vs Cou­va East 0 - by de­fault

Ch­agua­nas North 3 (Is­rael Out­ar, Ne­gaste Moore, Je­re­mi­ah Vil­lafana) vs Cou­va West 0


San Juan North 6 (Lin­dell Sween 3, Jadiel Joseph, Jahdel Chase-Charles Ja­heshua Fer­gu­son) vs Va­len­cia 0

St Au­gus­tine 2 vs El Do­ra­do East 2. El Do won 4-3 on penal­ty kicks.


Mal­ick 2 (Ronald­in­ho Richards, Josante Dun­can) vs St Mary’s Col­lege 0

Queen’s Roy­al Col­lege 2 (Ja­sai Theophilus, Phillip Gray) vs East Mu­cu­rapo 1 (Jalane Brown)


Pleas­antville 5 (Je­lani Richards 3, En­e­sio Williams, Ah­jahi­di No­ray) vs Rio Claro West 0

St Bene­dict’s Col­lege 2 (Der­rell Gar­cia 2) vs Siparia West Sec 0

To­day’s match­es:

TO­BA­GO: At Shaw Park Sports Com­plex, Scar­bor­ough

Scar­bor­ough Sec vs Rox­bor­ough Sec, 2 pm

Spey­side Sec vs Pen­te­costal L&L, 4 pm

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