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Monday, March 3, 2025

Garcia's hat trick leads St Benedict's to NGC Super Cup


Walter Alibey
540 days ago
St Benedict's College footballers celebrate with trophy after defeating Fatima College to win the Secondary School Football League Super Cup at the Hasely Crawford Stadium in Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain, yesterday. St Benedict's won 4-3.

St Benedict's College footballers celebrate with trophy after defeating Fatima College to win the Secondary School Football League Super Cup at the Hasely Crawford Stadium in Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain, yesterday. St Benedict's won 4-3.

Daniel Prentice

Three goals from Der­rel Gar­cia and an­oth­er from Daniel Jones hand­ed St Bene­dict's Col­lege, the 2022 Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Pre­mier Di­vi­sion cham­pi­on, the open­ing Na­tion­al Gas Com­pa­ny (NGC) Su­per Cup ti­tle by beat­ing arch-ri­vals Fa­ti­ma Col­lege 4-3 on Sat­uer­day at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo, Port-of-Spain.

"The La Ro­main Li­ons" as St Bene­dict's is pop­u­lar­ly called by their fans, missed out on the Co­ca-Co­la In­ter­Col ti­tle last year when Fa­ti­ma edged them 1-0.

But de­spite lead­ing 3-0 at the halfway stage yes­ter­day, the St Bene­dict's team got a ma­jor scare from the Mu­cu­rapo Road boys, who bat­tled back des­per­ate­ly to re­duce the score­line to with­in a goal and even could have won it at the death.

Gar­cia, with just sev­en min­utes gone on the clock, test­ed the Fa­ti­ma goal­keep­er from some 20 yards out with a thun­der­ous shot that goal­keep­er Tris­tan Ed­wards could on­ly tip over the cross­bar.

Then Fa­ti­ma led in at­tack by their in­flu­en­tial strik­er Michael Chaves, al­so went close to the open­er af­ter a through-ball put him on a one-on-one with the de­fence in the cen­tre of the park. But Chaves, one of the Fa­ti­ma marks­men from the pre­vi­ous year, could not get his ef­fort on tar­get in the 11th minute.

Jones, then fed a ball in­side the Fa­ti­ma penal­ty area, turned quick­ly away from his mark­er in the 14th minute be­fore be­ing steam­rolled by de­fend­er Yohance Ather­ton, a chal­lenge that ref­er­ee Krys­tal Sobers could on­ly point to the penal­ty spot for.

Gar­cia then stepped up and sent Ed­wards the wrong way for a 1-0 ad­van­tage.

De­spite los­ing a cou­ple of key play­ers from their line-up last year, the La Ro­main Li­ons still roared fe­ro­cious­ly with Gar­cia and Jones now lead­ing the way with a num­ber of tal­ent­ed play­ers in their fold. And it showed with their sec­ond goal that pushed them ahead 2-0. Jones fed a lift­ed ball out­side the box, pro­duced a breath­less first touch that on­ly Dutch­man Den­nis Bergkamp was known for, and with the goal in front of him, the lanky strik­er un­leashed a pow­er­ful shot that beat Ed­wards to his first post in the 45th minute.

A minute lat­er, Gar­cia got his sec­ond item of the match in a sim­i­lar fash­ion.

Again from a build-up on the right, Gar­cia was picked out with a through-ball that he raced on to, be­fore hit­ting hard past Ed­wards for a 3-0 lead at the halfway stage.

Fa­ti­ma ap­peared done and dust­ed as they walked off the field for the break, but up­on their re­turn, they were a dif­fer­ent team. Chris­t­ian Bai­ley robbed Daniel Hope of the ball on the right side and drove to the by­line be­fore pulling it back for Chaves to fire home for a 3-1 score­line in the 50th minute.

Chaves then turned provider in the 68th minute, re­leas­ing Bai­ley down the right flank, to then quick­ly cen­tre for Josi­ah Gob­in to re­duce the mar­gin to one with a 3-2 lead.

The goal seemed to have tilt­ed the match in Fa­ti­ma's favour some­what un­til Gar­cia scored his third goal to re­store a two-goal cush­ion. The tal­ent­ed St Bene­dict's at­tack­er was picked out in the mid­field and he shook off a cou­ple of play­ers on his way to goal be­fore un­leash­ing a pow­er­ful grounder to beat Ed­wards in the 79th minute for a 4-3 mar­gin.

His goal sparked wild cel­e­bra­tions among their fans in the stands but it was short­lived. Fa­ti­ma Col­lege, in its very next raid on St Bene­dict's goal, re­duced the score again.

This time sub­sti­tute Luke Cor­reia found him­self at the end of a neat Fa­ti­ma build-up and he hit the ball hard past goal­keep­er Samuel Glas­gow for a 4-3 re­sult at the end.

Af­ter the match, Gar­cia was vot­ed "Man of the Match", but more so, St Bene­dict's has now sig­nalled a warn­ing to their com­peti­tors in the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion of the SS­FL.

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