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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Guapo Uprising hunts more CFL glory


Rachael Thompson-King
259 days ago
Players and staff of the Guapo Uprising Youths celebrate after defending their title in the Deportivo Point Fortin (PF) Community Football League (CFL) winning the final against La Brea All Stars, 3-0, at the Mahaica Sports Complex, last year.

Players and staff of the Guapo Uprising Youths celebrate after defending their title in the Deportivo Point Fortin (PF) Community Football League (CFL) winning the final against La Brea All Stars, 3-0, at the Mahaica Sports Complex, last year.

Guapo Up­ris­ing Youths team will be aim­ing to col­lect its third set of cham­pi­onship rings when it opens de­fence of its ti­tle in the De­porti­vo Point Fortin (PF) As­so­ci­a­tion’s third Com­mu­ni­ty Foot­ball League (CFL) which kicks off Fri­day (June 14) at the Ma­haica Sports Com­plex.

The two-time cham­pi­on will face Fan­ny Vil­lage Unit­ed at 8 pm in the sec­ond match of a dou­ble-head­er. In the open­ing match, Ce­dros Pi­rates take on Egypt Unit­ed at 6 pm.

The high­ly an­tic­i­pat­ed league was launched on Sat­ur­day (June 8) and will see 12 teams split in­to two groups bat­tling for the top prize of $15,000. The sec­ond-placed fin­ish­er will re­ceive $10,000 with third-place get­ting $8,000 and fourth-placed $4,000. The cham­pi­on will once again take home cham­pi­onship rings do­nat­ed by the Muhammed Isa Foun­da­tion.

In­di­vid­ual prizes in­clud­ing “Man of the Match” Most Valu­able Play­er (MVP), Youth MVP, and the Neville “Coachie” Fred­er­ick award for “Coach of the Year” will be pre­sent­ed at the end of the sea­son.

Al­so on Sat­ur­day, teams par­tic­i­pat­ed in the draw to de­cide the group they will com­pete in the pre­lim­i­nary round. The top four teams from CFL 2022 were seed­ed, form­ing Group A and Group B named af­ter Point Fortin foot­ball leg­ends, Leroy De Leon and Philbert Jones, re­spec­tive­ly.

The 2022 CFL win­ner Guapo Up­ris­ing and the third-placed team New Vil­lage FC formed Group A while the sec­ond-placed (La Brea All Stars) and fourth-placed (Pa­lo Seco Trip­py FC) teams formed Group B.

Coun­cil­lor for Ma­haica/New­lands and one of De­porti­vo PF’s found­ing di­rec­tors, Steve Guishard con­grat­u­lat­ed the La Brea and Ce­dros com­mu­ni­ties for their great ef­forts in main­tain­ing their foot­ball grounds. He em­pha­sized the con­tin­u­ing chal­lenges re­gard­ing venue prepa­ra­tions and en­cour­aged teams to ad­vo­cate for the main­te­nance of the grounds in their com­mu­ni­ties, “to get their Coun­cilors in­volved to as­sist with ground prepa­ra­tion”.

“Cur­rent­ly, three venues are con­firmed to be used - La Brea, Ma­haica, and Ce­dros with Vance Riv­er, Guapo and Pa­lo Seco work­ing dili­gent­ly to have their grounds ready,” said Guishard.

The third edi­tion of the league is be­ing used as a means to help fight against crime.

“Due to the up­surge in crime, we de­cid­ed to have the league now, “ said Guishard, adding that the or­gan­is­ers are in dis­cus­sion with MP Kennedy Richards Jr to part­ner with De­porti­vo PF.

Boston Blake, De­porti­vo PF Mem­ber in charge of se­cu­ri­ty for CFL, ad­vised that every­one re­mem­ber to be re­spon­si­ble and em­pha­sized the need for uni­ty and ca­ma­raderie, all for the bet­ter­ment of youth; “em­body­ing the spir­it of Point Fortin. Point is love!”

The tour­na­ment struc­ture will in­clude quar­ter­fi­nals with the top four teams from each group mov­ing on, fol­lowed by the semi­fi­nals with the top two teams from each group mov­ing on to the fi­nal, to see who will take home the cham­pi­onship tro­phy and rings.

Last year, Guapo Up­ris­ing de­feat­ed La Brea All Stars in the fi­nal, 3-0 to take top ho­n­ours. In the process, the Guapo-based team de­fend­ed its ti­tle won in 2019 af­ter edg­ing Ma­haica FC, 2-1.

“CFL 2024 promis­es to be an ex­cit­ing tour­na­ment, show­cas­ing all the best in foot­ball that Point Fortin and en­vi­rons have to of­fer,” said Guishard in his clos­ing re­marks.

En­trance on match days is $30 for adults, and $15 for chil­dren ages 6-12 while 60 and over, and chil­dren un­der five are free. There is al­so a group op­tion for adults, four tick­ets for $100.

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