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Monday, March 3, 2025

Hadad sends season's greetings to stake holders


Sports Desk
1530 days ago
Businessman Robert Hadad - chairman of FIFA Normalisation Committee.

Businessman Robert Hadad - chairman of FIFA Normalisation Committee.

The fol­low­ing is greet­ing sent the stake­hold­ers of foot­ball in Trinidad and To­ba­go from Robert Hadad, chair­man of the FI­FA-ap­point­ed Nor­mal­i­sa­tion Com­mit­tee of the TTFA.

"To all our Val­ued Mem­bers and Stake­hold­ers.

As this year comes to its close, we wish to ex­tend warm greet­ings on be­half of the Trinidad and To­ba­go Foot­ball


In the midst of dif­fi­cul­ty, there is al­ways some­thing to be grate­ful for and I wish to ac­knowl­edge and ap­pre­ci­ate the gifts of life, health, strength and all that has been be­stowed up­on us this year. We are so thank­ful to end 2020 and to en­ter in­to 2021 with the TTFA as a func­tion­ing mem­ber of FI­FA and CON­CA­CAF.

The sup­port, in­ter­ac­tion and ex­pe­ri­ence shared from those in FI­FA and CON­CA­CAF have been im­por­tant in guid­ing us to this point and to where we are aim­ing to­wards in 2021 and be­yond.

This year has been a ter­ri­bly test­ing and dif­fi­cult one for every­one in some way or an­oth­er. I wish to note that foot­ball does not ex­ist in iso­la­tion and is al­so af­fect­ed by the chal­lenges of so­ci­ety. The ex­ist­ing prob­lems in lo­cal foot­ball cou­pled with the Pan­dem­ic; have made this year in­to cer­tain­ly one of the FA’s most chal­leng­ing pe­ri­ods in its his­to­ry.

The so­cio-eco­nom­ic chal­lenges al­so af­fect the end prod­uct, but rest as­sured that we are un­der­tak­ing a num­ber of in­ter­ven­tions in or­der to de­vel­op our or­ga­ni­za­tion and to el­e­vate our game to a high­er stan­dard.

Our tasks of ad­dress­ing the cur­rent debt, run­ning the dai­ly af­fairs of the TTFA, re­view­ing and amend­ing the Statutes, and gen­er­al­ly chart­ing a bet­ter way for­ward for Trinidad and To­ba­go foot­ball, re­main a top pri­or­i­ty.

We are cur­rent­ly fo­cused on a strate­gic plan­ning process as it is im­per­a­tive that our plan is locked in place and be­comes a blue­print for long-term growth and sta­bil­i­ty. I take this op­por­tu­ni­ty to thank all our stake­hold­ers for their on­go­ing sup­port and pa­tience over the past few months. We have and will con­tin­ue to in­vest sig­nif­i­cant time and en­er­gy in­to get­ting the best out­come for the coun­try.

We will up­date you on our plans as they evolve, as we work to­wards be­ing in a po­si­tion to share our fu­ture strate­gies. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, we are cur­rent­ly in a process of forg­ing stronger re­la­tion­ships with our ex­ist­ing part­ners and stake­hold­ers and do have plans to en­sure they are part of our fu­ture suc­cess.

With re­gards to our na­tion­al teams on the field of play, we rec­og­nize our coun­try’s progress to the Quar­ter-fi­nals of the CON­CA­CAF Women’s Un­der 20 Cham­pi­onship ear­li­er this year. We al­so ap­pre­ci­ate the suc­cess and progress of sev­er­al of our pro­fes­sion­al play­ers in the over­seas leagues such as Kevin Moli­no, Jo­evin Jones, Levi Gar­cia, Akeem Gar­cia and Ken­nya Cord­ner to name a few. These play­ers all ex­celled for their re­spec­tive clubs in leagues from North Amer­i­ca to Eu­rope.

Our lo­cal­ly based Se­nior Men’s Team play­ers braved the chal­leng­ing con­di­tions to turn up to prac­tice over the past few months as we pre­pare for the up­com­ing Qatar 2022 World Cup Qual­i­fiers which com­mence in March with a home fix­ture against Guyana.

The TTFA’s Home of Foot­ball ho­tel served as a step-down fa­cil­i­ty in the Gov­ern­ment’s Covid re­cov­ery ef­forts, and as an or­ga­ni­za­tion, we are im­mense­ly pleased to have been able to pro­vide sup­port in the coun­try’s fight against the virus. There are on­go­ing plans to ex­pand on the use of the fa­cil­i­ty from 2021 of which you will hear more about in the new year.

The start of the World Cup qual­i­fiers will be a test which we are all an­tic­i­pat­ing and promis­es to be an ex­cit­ing and am­bi­tious ven­ture which will see us re-en­ter CON­CA­CAF and FI­FA Com­pe­ti­tions for the first time in a year.

We have en­coun­tered a try­ing and dif­fi­cult year and we are look­ing for­ward to a brighter 2021. What we put in­to our foot­ball now, de­ter­mines the end re­sult. We are buoyed by a promis­ing fu­ture and as I have said in the past, we have been pre­sent­ed with an op­por­tu­ni­ty to make a change. We must all em­brace this and re­main pos­i­tive and com­mit­ted to build­ing back our coun­try’s foot­ball. We must do this for the play­ers, youth, fans, coach­es and for all stake­hold­ers.

In clos­ing, I thank you again for your pa­tience, con­fi­dence and sup­port. On be­half of TTFA, I wish you all a safe and won­der­ful Christ­mas and a hap­py, healthy and pros­per­ous New Year."

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