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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Harpy Eagles, Hurricanes cruise to victory in West Indies Championship

CCC trails Red Force by 192 runs


32 days ago
T&T Red Force Khary Pierre sends one down against the Combined Campuses and Colleges during the CWI Regional Four-Day tournament match at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy Stadium in Tarouba, San Fernando, on Thursday.

T&T Red Force Khary Pierre sends one down against the Combined Campuses and Colleges during the CWI Regional Four-Day tournament match at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy Stadium in Tarouba, San Fernando, on Thursday.

Daniel Prentice

ST JOHN’S, An­tigua– The Guyana Harpy Ea­gles and the Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes kicked off their 2025 West In­dies Cham­pi­onship with re­sound­ing vic­to­ries over the Bar­ba­dos Pride and the West In­dies Acad­e­my re­spec­tive­ly on Fri­day.

At the Guyana Na­tion­al Sta­di­um: The Harpy Ea­gles se­cured a dom­i­nant 10-wick­et vic­to­ry over the Pride on day three of their open­ing-round clash at the Guyana Na­tion­al Sta­di­um.

Re­sum­ing their first in­nings at 315-3, the Harpy Ea­gles ex­tend­ed their to­tal to 382 in 101.5 overs, over­turn­ing an overnight deficit of 31 runs. Matthew Forde starred with the ball for the Pride, claim­ing an im­pres­sive 5-69 from 19.5 overs, while Jair McAl­lis­ter chipped in with two wick­ets for 68 runs in 13 overs.

Trail­ing by 36 runs, Bar­ba­dos crum­bled in their sec­ond in­nings, mus­ter­ing on­ly 112 in 41.4 overs. Cap­tain Ray­mon Reifer top-scored with 37, while Jonathan Drakes and Kevin Wick­ham con­tributed 26 and 23, re­spec­tive­ly.

Debu­tant Richie Look­nauth was the chief de­stroy­er, adding to his first-in­nings haul of 4-69 with a stun­ning 5-23 from 11.4 overs of off-spin. He got good sup­port from Ronal­do Al­imo­hamed, who took 2-36 in his nine-over spell.

Need­ing just 77 for vic­to­ry, the Harpy Ea­gles’ open­ers made light work of the chase. Tage­nar­ine Chan­der­paul led the way with an un­beat­en 40, while Matthew Nan­du con­tributed 33* as the de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons cruised to 78-0 in 28 overs, seal­ing a con­vinc­ing win to start their cam­paign on a high note.

At the Coolidge Crick­et Ground: The Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes stormed to a com­mand­ing 402-run vic­to­ry over the West In­dies Acad­e­my, wrap­ping up their open­ing-round clash in­side three days in An­tigua.

Re­sum­ing their sec­ond in­nings on 134-4 with an al­ready for­mi­da­ble lead of 347, the Hur­ri­canes pushed their to­tal to 289-9 be­fore de­clar­ing af­ter 64.4 overs, leav­ing the Acad­e­my with a daunt­ing tar­get of 503 for vic­to­ry.

Debu­tant Shel­ton Forbes built on his overnight 38-n-out by craft­ing a pa­tient 53 off 135 balls, while Col­in Archibald pro­vid­ed fire­works with a brisk 61 off 60 de­liv­er­ies. Wick­et­keep­er-bats­man Jah­mar Hamil­ton al­so chipped in with a quick­fire 46 off 39 balls.

De­spite a tough out­ing, left-arm spin­ner Joshua Bish­op stood out for the Acad­e­my, claim­ing 3-89 from 21 overs to fin­ish with im­pres­sive match fig­ures of 10-174. Maven­dra Dindyal and Ri­val­do Clarke each grabbed two wick­ets.

Chas­ing an im­prob­a­ble to­tal, the Acad­e­my team crum­bled un­der the spin duo of Hay­den Walsh Jr and cap­tain Rakheem Corn­wall, fold­ing for just 100 in 34.5 overs. Walsh Jr was the chief de­stroy­er, tak­ing 5-24 in 6.5 overs, while Corn­wall pro­vid­ed am­ple sup­port with 4-41 from 13 overs.

On­ly three Acad­e­my bats­men, Justin Jages­sar (26), cap­tain Ted­dy Bish­op (23), and Joshua Bish­op (21 not out), man­aged to reach dou­ble fig­ures as the Hur­ri­canes’ re­lent­less spin at­tack sealed a com­pre­hen­sive win.

At Arnos Vale: The Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons stand on the verge of a dom­i­nant vic­to­ry against the Wind­ward Is­lands Vol­ca­noes, need­ing just nine wick­ets on Sat­ur­day’s fi­nal day at Arnos Vale to seal the win.

Af­ter an­oth­er im­pres­sive per­for­mance on Fri­day, the Scor­pi­ons, un­der the lead­er­ship of Jer­maine Black­wood, set the Vol­ca­noes a daunt­ing tar­get of 420 runs. By stumps, the hosts had reached 65-1, still re­quir­ing an im­prob­a­ble 355 runs for vic­to­ry. Stephan Pas­cal (24) and Keron Cot­toy (8) re­main at the crease.

Re­sum­ing their sec­ond in­nings at 72-1 with a com­mand­ing 214-run lead, the Scor­pi­ons aimed to bat the Vol­ca­noes out of the con­test. Kirk McKen­zie made 46, adding on­ly 10 more runs be­fore falling to Ken­neth Dem­ber, Black­wood once again an­chored the in­nings with a com­posed knock of 75.

First in­nings Cen­turi­an, Black­wood, shared in a cru­cial 99-run fifth-wick­et stand with wick­et­keep­er-bats­man Daniel Beck­ford, who re­mained un­beat­en on an even 50.

Odean Smith chipped in with 35 against Ken­neth Dem­ber who was the stand­out bowler for the hosts, fin­ish­ing with fig­ures of 5-95, while Shadrack Descarte sup­port­ed with 2-36.

At the Bri­an Lara Crick­et Acad­e­my: At press time, the CCC were 90 for one in their sec­ond in­nings, still trail­ing the T&T Red Force by 192 runs with nine wick­ets in hand.

Sum­marised Scores

At the Bri­an Lara Crick­et Acad­e­my in Trinidad: CCC trail T&T Red Force by 192 runs with 9 wick­ets re­main­ing.

RED FORCE 504-6 dec’d in 138.3 overs (Ja­son Mo­hammed 176, Jyd Goolie 121, Cephas Coop­er 80, Vikash Mo­han 66, Yan­nic Cari­ah 22, Tion Web­ster 22; Ab­hi­jai Mans­ingh 2-116, Avinash Ma­habirs­ingh 2-142).

CCC 222 all out in 88.3 overs (Jo­hann Je­re­mi­ah 60, Yan­nic Cari­ah 3-26) & 90-1 (Damel Eve­lyn 46 not out)

At the Coolidge Crick­et Ground in An­tigua: Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes de­feat­ed the West In­dies Acad­e­my by 402 runs.

HUR­RI­CANES 358 in 102.3 overs (Jah­mar Hamil­ton 81, Kari­ma Gore 59, Rah­keem Corn­wall 49, Kadeem Hen­ry 48, Joshua Grant 34, Shel­ton Forbes 22, Hay­den Walsh Jr 21, Cameron Pen­nyfeath­er 16; Joshua Bish­op 7-85) and 134-4 in 35 overs (Jew­el An­drew 57, Shel­ton Forbes 38 not out, Kadeem Hen­ry 24, Joshua Bish­op 2-52) & 289-9 de­clared in 64.4 overs. Col­in Archibald 61, Jew­el An­drew 57, Shel­ton Forbes 53, Jah­mar Hamil­ton 46. Joshua Bish­op 3-89.

WI ACAD­E­MY 145 in 39.3 overs (Car­lon Bowen-Tuck­ett 34, Ri­val­do Clarke 29, Jo­hann Layne 13 not out; Cameron Pen­nyfeath­er 3-15, Rah­keem Corn­wall 3-33, Col­in Archibald 2-48) & 100 all out in 34.5 overs (Justin Jages­sar 26, Ted­dy Bish­op 23. Hay­den Walsh 5-24, Rah­keem Corn­wall 4-41)

At the Guyana Na­tion­al Sta­di­um in Guyana: Guyana Harpy Ea­gles de­feat­ed the Bar­ba­dos Pride by 10 wick­ets.

PRIDE 346 in 84.3 overs (Matthew Forde 82, Jonathan Drakes 70, Zachary Mc­Cask­ie 64, Chaim Hold­er 35, Chemar Hold­er 29, Leniko Bouch­er 19, Demetrius Richards 13; Richie Look­nauth 4-69, Ronal­do Al­imo­hamed 2-37, Veerasam­my Per­maul 2-87) & 112 all out in 41.4 overs (Ray­mond Reifer 37, Jonathan Drakes 26. Richie Look­nauth 5-23).

HARPY EA­GLES 382 all out in 101.5 overs (Kevlon An­der­son 101, Sa­vory 99, Ray­mond Perez 46, Tage­nar­ine Chan­der­paul 40, Matthew Nan­du 36. Matthew Forde 5-69) & 78-0 in 28 overs (Tage­nar­ine Chan­der­paul 40, Matthew Nan­du 33).

At Arnos Vale in St Vin­cent: Wind­ward Is­lands Vol­ca­noes re­quire 355 runs to win with 9 wick­ets in hand.

SCOR­PI­ONS 337 in 96.4 overs (Jer­maine Black­wood 109, John Camp­bell 79, Daniel Beck­ford 39, Jeav­or Roy­al 26, Odean Smith 16, Car­los Brown 12; Mar­quino Mind­ley 10; Darel Cyrus 2-26, Gilon Tyson 2-66, Dau­rius Mar­tin 2-74) and 277-7 de­clared in 75.5 overs (Jer­maine Black­wood 75, Daniel Beck­ford 50. Ken­neth Dem­ber 5-95).

VOL­CA­NOES 195 in 56.4 overs (Ryan John 41, Shadrack Descarte 34, Stephan Pas­cal 30, Sunil Am­bris 20, Ken­neth Dem­ber 15, Je­re­my Solozano 13; Jer­maine Black­wood 3-37, Odean Smith 3-55) & 65-1 in 28 overs (Je­re­my Solozano 26. Stephan Pas­cal 24 not out)

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